July 2021

We shall see shifting and shaking like never before; every sector shall experience the shifting and the shaking; and strongholds shall come down.  We will also see many things shifting worldwide.  Statues and temples will be shaken and shall be as a sign to the peoples.  Major changes and shaking shall come to the governments of Jamaica, United States, Mozambique and India.  The Church in Jamaica must be prepared for what is coming.   It will cause great revival in the country.  The gospel will be preached throughout the country. 

There are many contracts being established by other countries to stomp out corruption, but it will in turn and shift to another class of people and the corruption will become greater within Jamaica and the Caribbean as many leaders and nations globally continue to build without God.  It will be as it was in the Scriptures “…MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN.  This is the interpretation of each word. MENE: God has numbered your kingdom, and finished it;  TEKEL: You have been weighed in the balances, and found wanting;” (Daniel 5: 25 – 27)

The Lord says:

  1. More airlines will merge.
  • We are to pray for the salvation and health of the US President

For Jamaica’s Olympic Team

They should not take this Olympics as lightly as other times, because a lot of turbulence and surprises will take place with different countries.  There will also plots and sabotage, particularly the Jamaican athletes.  Jamaican athletes should not believe that they are safe and take everything for granted.  They must not approach the Olympics with arrogance and pride.  There will be many with a vendetta against the Team, so they need to pray and fast and avoid eating from anyone. They should have their own chef and avoid eating out.  This will also save them from stomach issues and other problems that can stop them from competing.  There must be a lot of prayer and fasting.  Additionally, the 4 X 4 relay women’s team needs a lot of help.

For Jamaica

We are to pray for Jamaica like never before as there are serious problems ahead.  War will break out, and gun men.  Many will be armed with high-powered weapons; the police will be crying for help.  They will say “we need a plan.”  They will also go after the high-profile politicians who have been giving them the guns over the.  NO ONE WILL BE SAFE IN THE NATION  UNLESS GOD INTERVENES AND PROTECTS.    

In Jamaica there will be a stir within both political parties.  The older set will be “pouring the fuel” while the younger set will be “striking the match and starting the fire.”  The younger ones will begin to rise up and takeover.  Many will be saying that they regret certain political decisions they have made over the years.

As in 1 Kings 22 – the Church will experience a great shaking.  The state of the nation is a reflection of the state of the Church.  Many of the global happenings are fueled by the actions and decisions of those in positions of authority in the nations including the Church.  What we are seeing happen within the nations is the result of the actions of Church Leaders, as they have been giving lying advice to the politicians for fame and fortune.  Many have mocked the warnings given over the country.  They have come against God’s true word.  They have compromised for finance and fame and to maintain access.  But the Lord says that in accordance with the scripture, we shall see the manifestation; a wind will blow them right out of the water and they will be scattered.

FAMINE IS AHEAD!  The globe needs to prepare for the famine!