June 26 – July 12, 2020

Through Apostle Dr. Steve Lyston, Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson,
Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio

1. PRAY FOR AMERICA! America is pulling further and further from the
Lord. Unless America returns to the Lord for healing, the nation will
break out into severe civil unrest, famine and increased deaths. They
will call for the Church but it will be too late.
2. The Lord is about to expose corrupt politicians and those within the
judicial system. God is going after the politicians who are deceiving
and corrupting the people. They had better repent before it is too
3. There is another underworld deception that is about to hit the globe.
Many will be deceived and fall away.
4. Pray for New Jersey, Alabama, Texas, North Carolina, South
Carolina, Los Angeles – California. There are serious challenges
ahead for these places.
5. There are nations that want to bring the world to a place of poverty,
so that coalitions will be formed. Watch and pray for Germany,
Russia North Korea, and South Korea.
6. Many countries will have to buy food, oil and water at exorbitant
prices. This will bring further famine and problems globally. It will
affect the poor significantly and create greater disasters.
7. God will begin to send fire on the earth to disrupt their plans and
great top men will be exposed. Those who are coming after the
churches, “There WILL be war!” Says the Lord of Hosts.
8. The Lord revealed ships lined up in battle formation on the seas. Pray
for Belgium, Colombia and Uganda. Pray also for the African nations,
as there is a plan to disrupt, destroy and bring great embarrassment
upon them.

9. All Church leaders must go into 7 days of Fasting for the African
region because others are greedy for the land and the resources.
10. Pray also for India as there is great trouble and great deception
ahead. Pray for the protection of its Prime Minister.
11. Pray for the entire black race as there is a plan to slaughter and
kill them out. War drums are beating. It’s more than an issue of
color. There is a secret weapon that has been put in place to kill
secretly. The denominational church needs to wake up and open
their eyes.
12. A time of famine for the Word of God is coming. (Amos 8: 11 –
12). There will also be a famine for food as well as more cosmic
problems – storms, volcanic activities and earthquakes in diverse
places. Furthermore, sicknesses will breakout, for those living
unclean lifestyles while corrupting others.
13. Nations – especially the United States of America – must
urgently prepare for what is ahead, particularly within the next 3
months. Watch the months of August, September and October.
More disruptions ahead.
14. Wiki Leaks will strike again. More exposure coming.
15. Pray for the protection of the United States President and his
family – particularly their health and security.

16. The Jamaica government must be careful about the things they
are signing, because it is going to create severe, negative impact on
them and the people of the nation.
17. The Radio Frequencies in Jamaica are under tremendous
attack and need to be investigated. A major underground activity is
taking place which will have negative impact on the frequencies of
those that are legal.

18. Pray for the members of the Special Branch section of the
police force in Jamaica.