Given through Apostle Steve Lyston, Pastor Michelle Lyston, Bishop Doris Hutchinson, Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio, Prophetess Nadra Brotherton, Prophet O. Onesta Jolly.


5782 (or 2022) is the year of the Lord’s Release – a year of jubilee, harvest, the year of release.  (Leviticus 25: 1 – 7).  Great provision will be made for God’s faithful ones.  It is the year of humanitarian help for the poor and where the Law of Gleaning will be in effect; and those who practice this law will be extraordinarily blessed.  Those who are faithful will experience God’s blessings and a time of rest.  There will be redemption of property and restoration.  Many captives will be set free, and there will be debt release, debt forgiveness and debt cancellation.  (Deuteronomy 15: 1 – 2). Those companies and organizations who practice the Shemita principle will flourish.  This is the year of the and great harvest.  Those who fail to honor this principle will crash.  Many companies and financial institutions will close.

The number 7 will be critical in this season – in the year 2022.  For example, Revelation 7, Revelation 17, Daniel 7, Genesis 7 and the 7th book of the Old Testament – Judges. The 7 churches will be important for us watch.  Also look at the first 7th plagues and particularly the 7th; namely, the water turned into blood, the plagues of frogs, lice and mice as well as the livestock disease, boils and skin disease, and hail will occur in this Shemita year unless Pharaoh lets God’s people go.  Pay attention also to the first 7 tribes particularly the tribe of Dan.  Dan means “judge; the scales of Justice.  Be vigilant in the 7th month – July (in the Gregorian Calendar) and Tishrei (in the Jewish Calendar) and the 7th of each month. 

Remember the 7 lampstands (Exodus 25: 37). Look also at the 7 attributes of God. (Isaiah 11: 2); the 7 Woes. (Matthew 23); 7 parables (Matthew 13); 7 things the Lord hates; 7 letters to the 7 Churches. 70 times 7 which equal the number 490.  7 bowls (Revelation 16: 1; Leviticus 26: 18).  The 7 stars in God’s right hand.  7 seals and 7 trumpets. (Revelation 1: 4; Revelation 5: 1; Revelation 8: 2) 7 annual Holy Days which carries the 7 benefits of atonement. 7 miracles of God’s holy sabbath.  The number 7 means completeness, Divine perfection, holy, rest and relates to Genesis 1’s Creation.  Study about the Shemita.  

A new anointing shall God pour out in the world that they will see that He is greater and that His people are greater.

The Lord says some of us are not anointed just for the sake of being anointed, but for a kingly sake.  Many of the whites have visited the black race and have taken away their tribes, their gold, their inheritance and their wealth.

The blacks were seeing themselves as slaves when they are kings. The Lord is restoring their kingly status.  He is releasing a Breaker Anointing.

A great woe is coming.  Those that are leaders are to take care of people.  Things have gone to the extreme.  Where are the leaders when all these things are happening?  This will happen to every human being on the face of the earth.  A woe is going to take those whose hearts are like stone.  They are going to make some laws like the communist laws.  Politicians will make plans that will shock the nations of the world.  God is going to show them a sign and only those who serve Him in Spirit and in Truth will stand.

Leaders of the world, you know the anointing and the authority God has given to His people, why are you trying to take away God’s people’s inheritance again?

2 massive evils are about to be exposed in the world.  When this evil is revealed it will cause great suffering to everyone.  All Christians and world leaders seek the Lord now!

Remember also the 7th Watch and the 7th hour according to the Jewish time.

There will be liberty and a fresh start for the faithful globally.  The market conditions within nations and the financial sectors will experience a whirlwind of issues.  All eyes will be on Real Estate, World Currencies and Health.

Up to September 2022, it is critical for God’s people to come into His Presence and seek Him to reveal what lies ahead, because the system of Babylon will be falling. (Jeremiah 25: 5 – 6, Jeremiah 27: 12 – 13)

For many who disobey the Lord God, they will find themselves in exile.  Many Governmental Administrations globally will crash.  Babylon will be conquered and overthrown. 

The year 2022 will be a Year of Great Surprises.   Humans will stand amazed.  Then after a while, that person will disappear.  It will cause confusion of the mind.  If believers don’t pray constantly, many will lose their minds.

Speak the truth!  I, the Lord desire of you my people, the truth.  And because you will not obey me, I will send destruction among my people.  Many people suffer and will lose their eternal home with their creation.  Your untruths will come back to haunt you.

Human beings will be so sick, walking up and down searching for help and food.  They will be so weak that they stand before you and fall dead.  Because of your hard heart and lack of love for my people.  Why turn away from my words.  You refuse to repent and take heed to my prophetic word spoken by my prophets.  Judge not or you will be judged.  Take heed of my warnings – no one will be able to help the other.  You are going to see things happening in this world that you have never seen or heard of before.  Pray for Holland Tunnels and Lincoln Tunnel and all bridges, the Statue of Liberty ambush lies the evil one.  Because of the evil things that people will be doing, they will be disguising themselves that they will not be identifiable.  The worst is yet to come.  This is the time for all those who do not repent to do it now!

Leaders – spiritual and otherwise – are planning to go anywhere they want to go and not be seen.  But it will not happen. 

More massive disasters are going to hit this world.  (Isaiah 21).  All idols are going to be destroyed from their secret places.  The great spoil is yet to come.  I am weary of our doings says the Lord God.  If you repent, I will deliver you.  The great spoil is about to come upon the earth.  It is getting late.

It is time for all believers to pray without ceasing.  It is time for all the unsaved to repent and take heed.  The slaughter of my sons and daughters are coming to an end.  Many countries will experience great loss because of rapid disasters. 

5782/2022 will also be a Year of Building – building the tabernacle and the family.  It is the year also, of ownership and great faith.

It is the year of completion, as well as judgement upon the wicked who refuse to repent.  (Ezekiel 9: 3 – 6).  Remember also, that judgement begins in the House of God.  (1 Peter 4: 17)

It will be the end of one era and the beginning of a new one. 

It is the year of Truth and exposure of corruption globally. The banking sector will experience a crash in certain of its areas.  The stock markets will also experience a crash and there will be a major decline in the Real Estate Industry.

It will be an unexplainable year.  Many will not be able to explain certain happenings, but those whose foundations are strong in God will stand.  Many kingdoms will fall; many leaders will be removed.  There will be disaster, chaos in this year 2022/5782.

Watch the stroke of midnight 2021, for this is where many persons will denounce their allegiance for monetary gain worldwide across government bodies, the church, family and businesses. (Watch the 30 pieces of silver) – Great Betrayals ahead! Keep a close watch on your friend-enemies.

The guards assigned to earth form heaven is slated to change in February 2022 and again in August 2022.  The world will be tested even more.   God is saying to his people, be sure to be hold on tight, be sure to be connected to me.  There is a pruning that must take place.  Many are set to gain the world and lose their souls.  As I sift, some are falling through. 

In the Body of Christ, many leaders are no longer interested in doing the will of God.  Many will return to the world.  God will be transferring their blessings to others who are faithful.  The Lord says this is the greatest time in history to evangelize.  Also, when God uses someone, that person must see it as a privilege.  All who laugh now will be silenced.  He will go through any barrier just to bless His people.

Many more churches will fall into apostasy and close. We must also pray consistently for Marriages and family in 2022 and onwards.

The Jewish Year 5782 And The Prophetic Meaning

Overall, the Jewish year 5782 prophetically means Ur, which means “To awaken, stir up, excite, raise up, arouse to action; arouse oneself, alert.”  God is calling the Body of Christ to be alert, vigilant, stirred up and to arise, wake up, inspire, alarm, excite, and light. 

5782 will be a year of light and the year of awakening for some.  It is the Year of the manifestation of the sons of God in the earth.  God will begin to stir up many out of their comfort zone like an eagle would.  The eagles will begin to rise and the House of God is about to awaken.

Let us take a look at the meanings of the numbers in the year 5782.

5 is the letter Hei and in Hebrew can mean “here is, to be disturbed or behold.

7 is the letter Zayin and in Hebrew can mean “crown, weapon or sustain.”

8 is the letter Chet and in Hebrew means “life.”

2 is the letter Bet and in Hebrew means “house.”

It is a year of faith, the shaking of idol worshipping and the falling of Babylon as in Genesis 11 with the Tower of Babel.  Many systems built without God – built on sand, will fall.  It will be judgement on the House of Nimrod.  Men will rule but God will overrule.  Many systems, decrees and protocols will be overturned.  God will scatter them.

God is calling His people out of and away from idol worship. it is time for god’s people to “COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM…”  His people must come out from the lies, deception and sin!  It is time to rise up, come out of the darkness and into the True Light!  Everything shall be shaken.

As the world continues to focus on COVID-19, the Body of Christ must prepare and be ready to minister spiritually to doctors and nurses.  Many will fall into depression because of the stress and many will get sick after taking the vaccine.

2022 – The Year Of Light

As 2022 arrives the word will be “Let There Be Light!”  It will be the year of Light.  There will Be a lamp which will bring clear direction to the remnant.

It will be a year of Divine Authority as God will restore order while exposure takes place.  (Psalm 119: 105; Genesis 1: 3)

The Ahab and Jeroboam types of leadership will be removed from the scene. 

The Book of Genesis will be critical in 2022, and the following are words on which we must focus for this year.

Time                      Light                      Heaven                  Earth

Sky                         Seas                       Sun                        Moon

Stars                       Planets                   Land                      Plants

Fish                       Birds                      Animals                Man

God will heal and deliver many families and restore generations.  This year, the Body of Christ should focus on the Family. 

Furthermore, we will see:

  1. The manifestation of the True Light – Jesus Christ – throughout the globe, and the saints should Declare His Glory! (Psalm 96: 2 – 4; John 12: 46; John 3: 21 and Matthew 5: 14 – 16)
  • The globe filled with the knowledge, wisdom, solutions, truth and revelations of God, and many eyes will be opened.  The false doctrines, errors, deceptions, and lies will be uprooted. 

God will:

  1. Deal with the spirits of Haman, Jezebel and Ahab so that the faithful will be promoted. The Book of 3 John is a critical one to read.  
  • Bless His faithful physically, spiritually, and financially.

His faithful ones must pay especially keen attention to the terms Light, Daylight, Ignite, Illuminate, Bright, Lamp, Sunny, Shine, Happiness, Joy and Breakthrough.

These Prophecies given are for 2021 onward.  God can choose to hold His hand back from any form of judgement pending, subject to the repentance of nations and individuals.  Jonah 3: 5—10; Exodus 32: 14; Jeremiah 18: 7—11; Amos 7: 3—6; II Kings 20: 1—11 and I Corinthians 13: 9.  Please remember, God does whatever He pleases (Psalm 135: 6; Psalm 115: 3).  He changes Times and Seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings (Daniel 1: 20—23).