September 10, 2018
Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson and Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio
More disasters will be taking place.  Sand will be piling up in some parts of the world and this will cause water to be directed to different places which did not have water before, as a sign.
We should pray for the small islands in the Caribbean – Turks & Caicos, The Cayman Islands, The Bahamas, and all the other small islands in the Caribbean as well as Jamaica.  Pray against those islands disappearing under the sea as a result of disasters.
Pray for Louisiana especially New Orleans.
Pray, because more disasters will be taking place in India, New Jersey, Boston, Kentucky, and The Carolinas.
Those with massive investments in the agricultural industry will suffer great losses as a result of the disasters and it will cause a massive shortage in food including, peanuts, potatoes and other vegetables.  This will cause a major famine throughout the world.  But, the Lord says, “If My people who are called by my name will cry out, then I will show mercy, and My people will be fed during the famine.  As they obey Me, worship Me and give their Tithe, they will be protected.”
Pray for all places where oil is found and all places where the drilling is taking place, as there will be many disasters.  Most of them will crash and workers will be running frantically. It will cause an oil shortage and increase the prices significantly.
God is reminding the rich that He is God.
Political leaders must stop bickering and fighting against each other.  They need to be united and come together to deal with what is coming globally.  Many of them have turned their backs on the poor.  No one should be penalized because of the party they support when it comes to the distribution of resources.  That is what has led to the increase in poverty.  Unless leaders repent, God says He will drive them like animals out of their positions.
God is the only one that can fix what is broken down.  Politicians need to begin to bow down to Him, seek Him for divine direction and stop undermining each other or else God will replace them.  When Jonathon attacked and defeated the Philistines, it was because of God acting on his behalf to grant him help.  There are going to be drastic changes coming up on the globe.  Also, there will be a season of newness.
The entire universe is not lacking in God’s Word, so many will not have an excuse when the shaking comes.
God places leaders in position to help other human beings and utilizes all that lies in their power.  But too many hidden motives and desires have caused many to suffer. The Lord says His hand shall be heavy upon them.
There are some countries that are seeking God secretly for help, but God will send help for them.
Too many are double-minded and too many are living a double-standard life.  Many leaders in the Body of Christ are doing things – gossiping and slandering each other.  God will expose them unless they repent.  In the Body of Christ, we are in a continuous season of preparation, so there must be change in one’s lifestyle.
In the next general election in Jamaica there will be many surprises.
Politicians must live a clean life and not engage in hiring anyone to take another’s life.  The poor are suffering while they lie to the people.  They must remember that they have mothers, sisters and brothers.
What is the purpose of getting into politics if you are not there to help the people?  Is it to enjoy the perks?  Politicians must to what is right because they will have to stand before God and give an account.  Is your soul right before God?
They must remember King David.  He humbled himself and repented before God.  The lifestyle of each politician will affect the people.  The sin of David caused conspiracy, treason and brought plagues upon the nation.    Many are plotting and pulling away the wealth from the lives of the people.  For the Lord says, “I have seen your lifestyle, and a time of judgement is coming.”