The Word of the Lord for the 1st Quarter through Apostle Dr. Steve Lyston, Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson, Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio.

  • I am the God of the universe.  Nothing is hidden from me.  Watch the first 6 months of this year 2022.  It will be a year of mixture – good and evil.
  • The Lord showed a massive boulder coming from nowhere.  It rolled through places and destroyed lives, properties, animals and left a trail of suffering behind.  Scientists could not determine where it came from.  It is a sign.  This is a year of many signs and wonders.
  • This is a year for every human being to look up to God.
  • Psalm 93: 1 – 5 – God’s faithful ones will receive healing and blessing.  Psalm 94: 1 – 23.
  • My people, as you serve me in holiness and truthfulness you will experience my abundant blessings, and you will be able to help the poor and needy who cry out to me day and night.
  • 6 Government ministers are in trouble in Jamaica; and it will soon be revealed.
  • More schools are in trouble in Jamaica.
  • Says the Lord, “You rich and powerful cannot hide from God! Come forth and repent of your deeds!  I have seen them all!  You allow evil ones to seduce you into the things you know are wrong.  Cry out to Me – God, and repent and I will forgive you; or I will remove your candlestick!  Stop what you are doing before it is too late!
  • This is the year God is stripping them – the wealthy.  They are going to know what it feels like to have nothing.  When it happens do not be surprised.  At this very moment, their bank accounts are being cleared out.  Many of them are used to going to the Lord & Taylor stores to purchase, but many of their cards will decline.  Fires will burn their assets.  Many will experience the burning bush.
  • The Lord says He is God and His power will be known.   This is the year He will be glorified.  They have come up with different plans to keep the country in captivity.  This is the year to stand up against the forces of darkness.
  • This is the year the media shall be plundered.  The Lord says His hand is on the 5-sided stronghold – destruction is coming.
  • China, Russia, Switzerland, Britain, New Zealand – businesses will be going down.
  • Pray against a nuclear strike.  Pray for Serbia.
  • The sea is rising and there will be great tsunamis in many countries which will cause a great death toll unless nations repent.  They also need to relocate people from living close to the ocean.  Pray for Yemen, Pakistan, Egypt, Jamaica, China, Barbados, Dominica.  The Lord is waking up the nations.
  • God will show a great sign in Jamaica to the leaders.  Also, I saw the sea in Jamaica and the water started stirring with a rage and the waves rose into the air.  I also saw the name Germany written in red on a white background.  God’s fire burned up the paper from the middle and then all around and it was no more.
  • A major famine will hit the globe, and many of the livestock – cows, horses and other animals – will die. Some will die of diseases.  Nations will need to store vaccines to combat possible pandemic among the livestock.
  • A political shift will also take place in Jamaica; more challenges ahead. 
  • Watch – a female will rise from St. Ann.
  • More private planes will crash globally. This is a result of sabotage. Pray for all the entertainers, reality show hosts including RF, KK, BKC.
  • Pray against the assassination of 6 world leaders.