March 2021

The Prophetic utterances given by the Lord through Apostle Dr. Steve Lyston, Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson, and Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio.

We are in a time and season wherein we are seeing a shift taking place.  Every sector is being shaken while God is perfecting His Church.  He is calling the Body of Christ to be holy, faithful, steadfast and have continued persistence in prayer.  This is the time that the Body of Christ must be loyal.  While many will be tested to see whether or not they are loyal to Christ.  God will make a way to deliver as they continue to carry the cross.

We are in the eleventh hour, and so God is calling His people to rise.  The anti-Christ is gaining ground because God’s people have become lukewarm and have been sleeping.  A global shaking is about to take place.  Things will never be the same.  The usual way of governing will be shaken.  (Matthew 20: 6 – 9)

As the world continues to focus on COVID-19, the Body of Christ must prepare and be ready to minister spiritually to doctors and nurses.  Many will fall into depression because of the stress and many will get sick after taking the vaccine.


Jamaica is going through one of the greatest political and religious deception.  It will be too late for many.  Many have already sold out Jesus for the proverbial “thirty pieces of silver”.

Pray for all orphans and golden agers and the children in the homes throughout Jamaica as there is a plot to use and destroy them. 

Jamaican Travel Service business in trouble and will shut down.

There will be major changes in the ministry of labor in Jamaica.

Pray for the following Jamaican Entertainers for their time has come to use their talents for His glory, and the time has come to receive salvation.  Pray for:

Shabba Ranks



Beres Hammond


Bounty Killer



Ninja Man


Beenie Man

The time has come for them to surrender now before it is too late.

Pray also for Pepsi Jamaica, FGB (financial instution)


We must pray for President Biden, the White House and the entire Washington DC.  There is going to be significant in-fighting among the Democrats and many will want the President to go. 

Pray against a sex scandal repeat in the White House.

Pray for all the US Embassies worldwide and pray against attacks.

Something terrible is going to happen to England at Downing Street.  There is a cloud hanging over all states in the USA.  What is going to happen only prayer can stop it.  There is a group that is meeting and planning to topple the government.  Hearts are bitter.

Pray for the Prime Minister of South Africa.  Documents will be revealed which will cause problems among the people. 

Pray for India. There are serious problems ahead for them. 

As a result of the interference of the scientific community with the sun, we may see a global heatwave from which many will die.  It will also cause famine and bankruptcy.  We should watch the months of April to December.  But the Lord says if the Church cries out in repentance according to 2 Chronicles 7: 14 water will flow and He will heal the land.  There will be drought and lack of water globally.   (Zephaniah 2 & 3)

Pray for the Vice President of the USA as frustration and undermining increase.  She will find out that she was being used.  Pray also for her marriage.

Pray for The Pentagon as great confusion and betrayals are looming.

Pray against electrical blackouts in New York and other states which may cause violence to breakout.  Brooklyn is in trouble, pray for them.  Pray especially for the poor the fatherless and the widow.  New York should also make way for a new governor.

Many Airlines will be shutdown. 

Pray for Kanye West as he is about to go through some very trying times.  The wife will regret the divorce if she pursues it.   She will go through a various painful time.

Jamaica’s Accountant General and Contractor General will have serious disagreements which will bring great exposure.  Unless Coney Island remains closed, there will be serious problems ahead.

Pray for the French Prime Minister, there is a plan to overthrow him.

Pray for Bishop T.D. Jakes as there will be a lawsuit looming that is to take him down.

Pray against any attempts regarding the Pope.

God will deal with Washington DC.  Any laws put in individually or collectively, which are not of God.  God will deal with it.  Furthermore, New York and California will see shakings like never before.