Through Apostle Dr. Steve Lyston, Pastor Dr. Michelle Lyston, Bishop
Dr. Doris Hutchinson, and Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio

There are many planning to run this world as if it is their own. They have
treated God’s creation and His people with scorn and disdain. It has
caused many families to die and many to shed tears. The Lord says He
will stop them in their tracks as they attack earth’s population.

He will bring the wicked ones together and judge them. He is the One Who created man
and no one will stand in His path. He will judge them even before they
reach the final judgement – He will judge them on the earth.
A massive change is coming for the earth. Things will never be the same
again as they have gone too far. Watch Russia, China, Iraq, North and
South Korea, the USA. There is secret internal fighting within the group,
because many are fighting to be the World Leader. They must know that
God is the One Who brings promotion.

There is a plan to take over and rule. All will be revealed. But it will be too
late as no one will want to rule again. God’s army is about to march.
There is a sword that is stretching out over the globe.
There is a major war taking place. They are after to oil and the gold. It is
about riches and fame. They want to control the resources and pass laws,
and they are testing the strength and leadership of each country. Many
lives have been lost but God will expose them. What they are planning will
turn back on them and it will backfire on them and they will have no one to
blame but themselves.

There is a global deception taking place, and God is calling His people to
draw closer so that they will not fall away into the deception.
God is calling His people into intercession during the month of May for
The clock is ticking away and the Body of Christ must be ready. It is later
than we think.
Many Samsons will rise, regain their vision and bring down the enemy.

We must pray, as a spirit will rise up in Germany again. They will
persecute Christians and may other countries will follow. We should pray
also for India, as there is a great deception coming for India that will bring
great oppression and suffering upon the people. Pray that their eyes will
be opened to see the tricks with which the enemy is coming.
The activities of the Spirits of Intimidation and Manipulation will increase,
individually and collectively especially against the Church, but the Body of
Christ must stand with the full knowledge that God is with His people.