January 2020

Through Apostle Steve Lyston, Bishop Doris Hutchinson and Prophetess Sophia

S T O P!

There is a global burden for every true Apostle and Prophet with regard to the
happenings worldwide. Many may not understand the season and continue to use the
same approach they used for the last 10 years in this new season. The word is STOP!
The Lord says you need to STOP!
God is disappointed with political leaders, business leaders and church leaders who
have compromised and are encouraging secular leaders to continue to oppress the
poor – passing laws which keep the people in bondage. Most have used their wealth,
grace and favor to turn against the people. Every leader God puts in position – whether
secular or Christian – He gives them conditions. Which include:
Seeking Him. 2 Chronicles 15: 1 – 2 says, “Now the Spirit of God came upon Azariah
the son of Oded. And he went out to meet Asa, and said to him: “Hear me, Asa, and all
Judah and Benjamin. The Lord is with you while you are with Him. If you seek Him, He
will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you.”
Help The Poor. The goal must be to make life better for the poor.
Lead With Mercy and Compassion.
Unless they stop and change directions, God will remove many leaders including
Christian Advisors. God is the respecter of no man, and He will remove some
administrations and some leaders suddenly. The only safe seat or guaranteed victory is
for those who do His will.
The Lord says, “I will bring nations into derision who have dealt treacherously with the
poor, and if they do not acknowledge My Presence and Me, I will remove them instantly”
“When I speak, they do not believe, but when I act, they will! But it will be too late for
many. Millions will die spiritually and naturally. Many world leaders. Eyes will be open,
but it will be too late.

  1. A condition coming from the East. Viruses and skin diseases will break out. The
    East wind will take it across the globe. It will affect the skin so that there is
    itching and burning; superpower nations will blame each other for releasing into

the atmosphere. Many will be affected and there will be a global cry for prayer to
deal with the problems that will exist.

  1. Major food contamination will take place. We MUST pray over our food before
    we eat it. Pray for the children and anoint them.
  2. A popular global leader, their close friend will turn against them and it will bring
    exposure to a lot of things.
  3. Pray for Thailand. There will be a tsunami. It will be the largest one recorded in
    that country.
  4. The fire in Australia will cease, and God will get the glory.
  5. God says He is going to bring a lot of countries to their knees that no man will
    touch His glory.
  6. Disaster pending for Nigeria. Many will weep and mourn!
  7. The recession will begin in the USA.
  8. There will be an earthquake in Hawaii, Wisconsin, Texas and California.
  9. A great earthquake will shake all the temples in Shanghai.
  10. The hour is come – God will visit the Jewish people.
  11. “I am already visiting nation leaders in their dreams and visions, especially
    President Trump (United States), President Vladimir Putin (Russia), Prime
    Minister Andrew Holness (Jamaica), Premier Li Keqiang (Peoples Republic
    of China), and President Cyril Ramaphosa (South Africa). The Lord says
    come before Him now, and seek His face for the interpretation for what is
  12. God will be moving through Cooreville Gardens and Lionel Town (Jamaica).
  13. The Lord says the Government needs to reopen the Monymusk Sugar Factory.
    This will produce more jobs for the people in Clarendon. Get competent and
    trustworthy people to run it. There will be a global shortage of brown sugar.
  14. Unless Jamaica changes and repents, they will go through at season of great
  15. Every spiritual leader worldwide must set their houses in order before His
    triumphant return. They must proclaim His name everywhere they go.
  16. The Jamaica Defence Force must know that this is not the time for friendly fire.
    The greater war is on the outside. Prepare yourselves for greater war.
  17. The Spirit of the Lord says that many are going about their daily life ignore what
    is taking place worldwide. Christians around the world should be crying out for
    the nation’s being affected by the coronavirus. There should be a National Day of
    Prayer and Repentance. The Lord asked the question what if He were to send
    one of us to China? Many would be fearful. We must remember that the Lord
    has not given us the spirit of fear. The solution is within us. God is bigger than
    the coronavirus. The nation needs to repent and pray. The Word of the Lord
    says “If My people who are called by My Name would humble themselves, seek
    My face and turn from their wicked ways then He would hear from heaven and
    heal their land.”