Given by the Lord through Apostle Steve Lyston, Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson, Pastor
Michelle Lyston, Prophetess Nadra Brotherton, Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio, Prophet
O. Onesto Jolly

Apostle Dr. Steve & Pastor Dr. Michelle Lyston


The year 5780/2020 is the year of “pey”“Pey” is the Hebrew letter for the number 80 and is the symbol of a mouth.  It is a time of great insight, breath, voice and Divine sparks of God.  Moses was 80 when He brought the children of Israel out of Egypt.  So, it will be a time of deliverance, strength and dominion.  We will see the manifestation of 2 Chronicles 20: 20 take place.  It is the Year of Souls.  It is a time of Divine alignment as earth will begin to align to heaven’s divine will and purpose.  We are about to see the emergence of the Sent One – it is the year of the Apostles.

The year 2020 will bring the unexpected concerning good and evil, naturally and spiritually. It is a year that all Heads of Government will be visited by the Spirit of the Lord for the return of the Fear of the Lord shall manifest before them, and many souls will come into the Kingdom of God.  It is the year that God’s true worshipers shall rise and worship Him regardless of their situations.

Major shaking will take place, sudden release.  A time of movement and shocking shifting.  A great release of God’s power and Presence.  Major earthquake in diverse places.2

It will be the Year of the Manifestation of the Kingdom – a prophetic time.  (Psalm 81: 10).  It will be a year of decrees and declarations.  (Jeremiah 1: 5).  The Jeremiahs and the Moses’ shall come forth.

States and countries not experiencing war, must now prepare for war on land, sea and sky.  The enemy is about to descend upon those countries which are experiencing peace.    This is so because the enemy wants the rich resources within.  Laws will be imposed to deal with the evil when they are the ones behind the problem.  Prepare for war!  Watch out also for trade embargo.  Travelers will become fearful but our faith in God will protect us.

There will be serious attacks launched within the Diplomatic Corps globally.  It is internal and a serious shaking will take place with the potential to affect national economies and relationships.  It is during this that many things will come to the forefront that will surprise us all.

There will be more apocalyptic happenings (Revelation 16, Revelation 5, The Book of Daniel).  We will see freak storms, hailstones, floods and fires like never before.  Store corn and wheat (Genesis 41: 49). The hurricanes that are inevitable to occur need not to be ignored for the upcoming year. Massive land slippage will take place particularly where houses are being built or where there are major projects.  Some of those structures will disappear because of the weather.

Destruction around the world will be widespread on food of every kind, caused by insects, scientists will be confused because they never experienced anything like it before.

It is the Year of Release and Recovery, where the gospel will be preached unhindered.  Knowledge will be released.  Bondage will be broken, and many will be set free from trouble, obstacles, oppression, debt, hardships, oppressive rule, walls, and prisons.  Manipulation, Witchcraft and such will be broken.  Many high places will come down and unclean lifestyles will be judged. (1 Corinthians 3).  Yet, if God can find twenty (20) He will not destroy the city.  For those who are believing God for large sums of money, He says, “Begin to Tithe and I will bless you and increase your businesses according to Malachi 3.”

It is the Year of Restoration, and some of those who were cheated out of their inheritance will get the opportunity to claim it back in 2020.  Those who were deemed bastards – forgotten, are about to be remembered.  The first born will be acknowledge and some will end up with a double portion as the right of the firstborn. 

A great wind is blowing.  One which will change the course of nature and of time.  It will affect nations. It will affect organizations, (government and the private sector), international organizations, communities and families.  This change will blow suddenly.

This is the Year of PRAYER!  Cycles of completeness and reward for those who wait.  Jacob waited 20 years before his release and the manifestation of his wife and property.  (Genesis 31: 38 – 41).  Many things will be completed as it was with Solomon and more suffering will come to an end.  Jabin oppressed Israel for 20 years before God moved him.  This is the year the Deborahs and the Baraks will join together to defeat the Spirit of Jabin.  There will be great testimonies of God’s love and deliverance.  We will see the birth and manifestation of many visions.  It is a year where many strongholds, evil altars, oppressive and wicked administrator will crash to the ground.  It is a year of being silent no more! It is a time of border expansion and reach.  The limitations and barriers will be broken.   The Word will be “Let My people go!” Pharaoh will be moved.

It is a Year of the Unexpected.  We are going to see things happening that we have never seen before.  Cast your net again for the Great Catch. (Luke 5). A visible sign will take place in the sky and it will cause many to turn to the Lord.  Furthermore, a global oil shortage will take place and it escalate prices and affect the global economy.   Pray for banks worldwide, some will cause hardships for people.   There are some banks that will be investigated and exposed for their business connections with some Politicians locally and globally. 

Paper currency will lose its value worldwide giving away to the plastic and bartering/trade of gold. But, the heavier the gold, the greater the value for purchase of land and vehicles.

There are Media wars ahead.  The Spirit of the Lord is about to deal with the Media Houses for what they choose to present to the public.  A great purging and shaking will take place within the media houses. 

It is the Year of Accountability for kings and empires.  Many will be dealt with concerning Tax Evasion.  They have mad great demands on the poor, the fatherless and the Widow, but they themselves refuse to do it themselves.  There have been too many deceptive practices hidden but they are about to be exposed; and those responsible will be held accountable.  Administrations and Kings will be defeated and they will have to flee.  There will be vacancies in every area of society.

In 2020, a great shift will take place God is reminding us He is the One Who establishes Kings and removes Kings.  Those that were at the bottom will rise to the top and many at the top will reach their lowest points.  The band of grace that many were under will be removed.  The time has come for judgement. 

This is the Year of the Family – the year that God will bless the families that are united.  It is time for families to forgive so that God can pour out His blessings.  Christian families will have to make some tough choices regarding their children’s education in 2020.  Many will compromise regarding to what they expose their children.  However, every choice made in 2020 will be detrimental regarding family.  The agendas of private and international organization will take on a forceful measure, but it will be up to God’s people to stand.  Now the sheep will be separated from the goats in the pasture; and the wolves will bare their teeth which they have kept hidden.  God is calling His people to take a stand.  Stand we must against all evil.  Buckle your spiritual seatbelts.  We are in for a crucial ride in 2020.

It will be a Year of Redemption and Giving – people will give resources freely to the Godly vision. A time of Maturity, Redemption, Ransom, Payback (Exodus 30: 14)  It is the Year of Military Service and Priestly service.

The Year 2020 will be a Year of Replacement.   Christian leaders who are not living up to God’s standard of holiness and will not repent and change their lifestyle to live holy lives will be exposed.  Hebrews 12: 14 says “Follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.”  God is angry with the wicked every day, but will forgive if they will repent.  (Psalm 7: 11) 

It is a Year of Call Outs.  It is the year to build the house of God.  (Leviticus 27: 3, Numbers 1: 3, Exodus 27: 10, Romans 8)

The Prophecies given are for 2020 onward.  God can choose to hold His hand back from any form of judgement pending, subject to the repentance of nations and individuals.  Jonah 3: 5—10; Exodus 32: 14; Jeremiah 18: 7—11; Amos 7: 3—6; II Kings 20: 1—11 and I Corinthians 13: 9.  Please remember, God does whatever He pleases (Psalm 135: 6; Psalm 115: 3).  He changes Times and Seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings (Daniel 1: 20—23).