
The family is the first line of government, and with the failing of the family structure globally, parents need and must necessarily use the Best Parenting Handbook – the Bible – as a guide to good parenting.

1. Teach your children to in obedience to both spiritual and biological parents; especially those parents who are Christians. Obedience determines their success and longevity of their lives. (Ephesians 6: 1 – 3)

2. When children fail to honor earthly parents, they will not learn to honor God either. This will bring instability in the family and affect the social fabric of the nation. (Deuteronomy 5: 16)

3. When parents fail to teach their children, the entire nation suffers, and that is what is now causing the spiritual drought now affecting nations. (Exodus 20: 12)

4. Teach your children about sound financial responsibility by teaching them about Tithing and the giving of Offerings.

5. Maintain good communication with your children using God’s Word as the number one criteria when training them. Avoid any destructive doctrine or philosophy. Communicate with them at the dinner table, when you’re walking or driving, when you are going to bed at night or rising up in the morning! (Deuteronomy 6: 6 – 9)

6. Teach your children the goodness of God daily, as well as the power of prayer! Share your testimony with them.

7. Teach your children how to choose with regard to relationships of all kinds – personal and business. Let them know they are to avoid becoming unequally yoked, and to avoid relationships with people who refuse to serve the same God as they serve. Let them know that the vision of those they want to connect with in relationships must be in line with their vision. (Deuteronomy 23: 8 – 12)

8. Choices are key to success! Choices determine the inheritance of your children.

9. Teach your children to avoid tattoos and sex before marriage. Let them know that their virginity is priceless! Keep them away from perverted music and movies.

10. Teach your children how to obey God’s voice daily. (Deuteronomy 28: 1 – 14)

11. Pray a hedge of protection around your children – as Job did! (Job 1: 1 – 4)

12. Teach your children about the different roles that each parent plays. For example, the mother nurtures the children and the father instills discipline. (Proverbs 1: 8 – 9)

13. The father should use the Word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to help him to carry out discipline and their fatherly role.

14. Declare blessings over your children daily. (Colossians 3: 21; Ephesians 6: 4; Proverbs 29: 15; Proverbs 13: 24; Proverbs 19: 18; Proverbs 22: 15)

15. When parents fail to discipline their children we fail and we hate our children. Failure will bring shame and disgrace on the family.