We have heard much talk lately about an economic reset, and many have weighed in
about its potential for a fresh start. However, we must recognize and accept that when
there is a “global reset” EVERYTHING is reset! So, priorities and desires will change.
In fact, the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres has been quoted as saying, “The
normal rules no longer apply …” So, I guarantee that laws, treaties and bi-lateral
agreements will change with each nation during this reset. The same, therefore, must
apply to us individually and as a people.

Do Not Fear The Reset
This current pandemic is seen by many as total devastation. However, we must begin
to recognize that it is actually a blessing in disguise for us. If nothing else, it has
exposed the materialistic focus of us all, and revealed to us that life is much more than
economic growth.
The virus has become a teacher and an equal opportunity distributor, because it is no
respecter of persons; and is teaching us “fair distribution”. The way in which this virus
“distributes” is the way in which wealth and opportunities should be distributed among
us all.
Despite all, we now have the greatest opportunity for us all to own our own.

Own Your Own
In Biblical times, every time there is a recession and an economic reset, the greatest
acquisition and expansion takes place. Joseph was promoted during the famine and
this led to wealth acquisition by and transfer to those who played by the rules. Isaac
also increased rapidly in Genesis 26, and avoided international lenders – the Philistines.
Genesis 26: 13 – 14 says, “The man began to prosper, and continued prospering until
he became very prosperous; for he had possessions of flocks and possessions of herds
and a great number of servants. So, the Philistines envied him.”
This is the best time to avoid international lenders like the IMF and the World Bank.
This is the time to get the best interest rates to begin to own your own. Financial
institutions will have no alternative but to change direction in order to remain viable
within the marketplace. This is the time to begin to purchase land for farming. This is
the time to enjoy the sunlight and the wind, utilize the wood as our new energy source.
During a recession, creativity is the order of the day. Profilers receiving big fat salaries
while producing nothing will be moved out and replaced with those who have been
through the proverbial fire.

This pandemic has shown us that the true heroes are in fact the ones ordinarily ignored
and demeaned – our nurses, truck drivers, cleaning staff, supermarket cashiers, hospital
laborers and our farmers are only a few of them. I have been saying for years, that we
must focus less on the stock market and focus more on Agriculture and on developing
our people. These days, even Toilet paper and hand sanitizers are heroes. This virus
has shown us how much we took our teachers for granted since our children must now
stay home with us. We have begun to appreciate so much more.
The focus on roads and communications while neglecting to empower the people of the
nation has disastrous had repercussions which we see today.

Challenges Ahead
We will need Divine wisdom for what lies ahead. It is critical for us to begin
implementing back-up systems/contingencies to deal with other pandemics that may
come about in the future. We should not simply focus on this situation and think that as
soon as this goes away things will return to normal. Our current level of dependency on
technology and communication systems are among the greatest physical challenges we
will face. Among our best strategies will be to get back to basics and the use of our
natural resources. Ultimately, the economy will be benefited and people will own their