Proverbs 24: 3 – 4 says, “Through wisdom a house is built, and by
understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all
precious and pleasant riches.”
2021 will be a very challenging year, particularly for one’s survival. The
choices we make will be very important, and, furthermore, Discernment and
Wisdom will be key. This year ahead will require a greater level of
knowledge and understanding in the things of God in order to unlock His
mysteries and receive His promises and hidden treasures.
We have already seen how the pandemic has shattered the global
economy as we know it and we are all on a path of famine. In every
direction we turn we see businesses being foreclosed and auctioned.

The time has come for mankind to begin to seek God again in order to
survive. (Matthew 6: 33)
In 2021, the major P’s will be significant for survival – Prayer, Provision,
Passion, People, Purpose, Purity, Perseverance, Place, Planning,
Preparation, Protocol (including Praying in our heavenly language).
We must trust God if we are to walk in Prosperity – regardless of the
difficult challenges ahead. Trust in man will bring great disappointment in
2021. We will begin to see the true colors and motives of men, which will
unfortunately be a time of disappointment for many.
We will also be seeing famine as well as the uprooting of many global
systems, policies, false doctrines. However, those who are planted in the
house of God, shall flourish. (Psalm 92: 13). While the world is fighting to
implement measures to disrupt the gathering of the saints, the Lord clearly
outlines to us that we should not forsake the assembling of the brethren
together. (Hebrews 10: 25 – 26). Change comes when we gather together
in His name. (Matthew 18: 20).
Discernment and Wisdom will be the keys to advancing in 2021. Lack of it
will only bring great loss and cause one to make wrong choices.

As we should recognize in James 1: 5, we need Spiritual understanding
now more than ever, so it is critical for us to avoid double-minded people.
Such individuals always go in two opposite directions, their allegiance is
divided, they lack sincerity, and they halter between disbelief and belief.

Keys For 2021
The Power of Agreement/Unity
This will bring success. It is critical to find someone with whom to come in
agreement in a positive way. Agreement should be based on the Word of
God. Many times, people come together physically as an outward show of
agreement, but they don’t agree from the heart. If God says we should
agree on finance, then we need to identify a scripture (for example Psalm
112). For healing then we would start by looking at Isaiah 53, James 5.
For help and protection Psalm 91 and Psalm 121. For provision, Psalm 23.
We should always pray the desired result for our needs. It is time for us to
begin to pray the answer.

Tithing will be critical for 2021. Tithing is not just about your financial
environment, but it carries several benefits for you including protection your
life, receiving creative, new ideas and solutions. In addition to Tithing,
learn about FirstFruits.

Wise investments will be key in 2021 as well. God’s people must be wise
and invest in Real Estate. Investing in the Stock Market, and pyramid
schemes will bring great losses this year. Invest in land, houses, farming,
livestock, gold and oil. Furthermore, the
system will return. Invest in the Bible, because it contains many keys for
survival and prosperity in this year. The limited knowledge of man without
God has now resulted in global chaos. We should also learn about the

Holy Spirit, as many have been seeking other spirits while avoiding the
Holy Spirit.

Live Holy! Purity is key in prosperity. In fact, there are numerous benefits
for living a holy life. Many may try to seek prosperity while ignoring a key
element – holiness; but that will bring them to a place of loss and darkness.

There is power in forgiveness. Forgiveness opens the way for healing,
restitution and restoration – by extension, it brings growth and expansion.