It is critical for us to scrutinize all sources of information that are
becoming a part of the education process. If one source of
information is flawed or deceptive, and lack foundational truths,
what kind of society are we developing.

In using the uncleanness, lies and backward-thinking as the
foundation for educating our society today, we have set a
dangerous precedent and as it stands many are unable to bring
solutions to the table concerning crime, health, economics, and

We are now reaping the harvest. If we are in an era where there
are more educated people, why are we then struggle for
Education without the involvement of the Holy Spirit causes a
person to be limited in every way. That is why we need the Spirit
of Truth, as in Ephesians 1, and the Spirit of Wisdom and
Revelation, to reveal the mysteries of God’s Creation – Ephesians
1: 17.

There are too many who have conformed to the world, but very
little transformation has been taking place, and that creates
unnecessary cycles! There are no solutions coming forth – only
violence, mechanisms for bondage and oppression.

Very shortly, we will see more lockdowns, more starvation, more
breakdowns and more lies. We seem to have gone back to the
days of the pirates. The very people who are saying the Bible is
not real, are fighting to promote the very thing the Bible says they
would be promoting – one world religion, one world currency,
cashless society, forced vaccination especially upon travelers,

promotion and the increase in the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence)
and forced medicals, smart cities and a militarized nation.
Those who are usually vocal against Christianity, are silent
against the real issues and problems. They preferred to be ruled
by evil rather than fight for good.