Everybody wants success, especially in times like these. However, there cannot be success without God’s will and way in the equation.  There are many others who are looking to simply get by.  There are many things out there in our world that are presented as “the thing” to help us succeed; but without the will of God, there will be no success.

The 5 M’s

Mercy.  This is the leniency, compassion, grace, pity and charity that one can extend to another when wrong has been done.  It is the compassion and forgiveness we can extend/give to someone it is in our power to punish or harm.    We need it each day and we need to extend it to others each day.  Matthew 5: 7 says to us, when we show mercy to others, we will get mercy from God.  (See also Luke 6: 36; James 2: 13).  Mercy triumphs over judgement, as there cannot be true judgement without mercy; and when we draw near to the throne of grace, we will find help in times of need.  (Hebrews 4: 16).  If God decides to withhold mercy, then judgement begins. 

1 Peter 3 remind us that we are born again because of His mercy.  Hence, when He forgives us and sets us free, it is His mercy that He has actually extended to us.  His grace and mercy also preserve us. (1 John 1: 9; Titus 3: 5).

When God sends His Apostle or Prophet, to warn nations and individuals to bring them back in alignment with His Will and Word, that is in fact His mercy in action.  When He disciplines us, that is His mercy in action.  When we truly repent, then He in turn extends His mercy to us.

Throughout the Bible, God never turned His back on anyone.  So we must pray for mercy as we awaken each day and we will receive, His favor, compassion and blessing. 

His mercy frees us from all penalty and judgement.

Money.  This is a means of exchange.  We need money on a daily basis to carry out daily activities – including feeding the poor, helping others and generally doing good.  Money allows us to capitalize on opportunities presented, such as investments, and it affords us more financial stability, reduce debt, diminish stress, acquire businesses, continue our education, afford us the opportunity for certification and we must know that there is nothing wrong with money itself.

Marriage.  This is a covenant between a man and a woman entered on the basis of mutual love and fidelity.  God created the woman for the man.  (Genesis 2: 18 and 23; Genesis 3: 16).  God created man to have 1 wife and woman was created to be his help meet for him. 

Godly marriages come with help, blessing and favor.  Ephesians 5: 28 – 29 compares marriage as being similar to the covenant relationship between Christ and the Church.

There are many attacks that have come against Marriage, because the enemy of souls knows about the power of a covenant.  So it is critical to pray and invest in one’s marriage.  It is what will bring revival in the end-time.  Husband and wife must be in unity and begin to serve God in Spirit and in truth.  Every covenant carries 4 elements for success – Parties, Conditions, Results and Security.  So, when a marriage ends in divorce, there are penalties.    

Marketplace.  As Christians, if we are going to walk in dominion, we must maintain our presence within the marketplace.  We must be entrepreneurs and philanthropists.

There are many benefits to being in the marketplace – Networking, Evangelism, Sales and Profits, Opportunities to bring Healing to the sick, Recruiting.  (Mark 6: 56; Matthew 20: 3).  Furthermore, in the marketplace, exists what we could call the “Halls of Justice”.  Many great men and women in the Bible maintain their presence within the gates – the marketplace.  For example, Joseph, Deborah Boaz, Job, Isaac, Jesus, and the Proverbs 31 woman.  So, we must pray that the Lord opens doors of opportunity.

Miracles.  We all need miracles based on the battles we fight daily.  There are some problems we go through that only a miracle can solve the matter.  In order to get a miracle, we must first create the environment.  It means we must follow instructions, pray and fast, believe, find scriptural support on the area of miracle we need.   For example,

Finance       –         Psalm 112, Philippians 4: 19, Haggai 2: 8 – 10

Healing       –         Isaiah 53

So, write down the miracle you need, have faith and believe that God still does miracles.  As we pray and walk in obedience according to God’s Word, nothing is or shall be impossible. 

Walk in your 5 M’s of success and have a successful year.