We have come into an interesting season – I call it the Season of Suddenly!    Some may think it strange but we are in a season where anything is possible in an instant. 

The dictionary defines “suddenly” as “immediately, instantly, straightaway, promptly, swiftly, instantaneously; quickly and unexpectedly.”  Suddenly impacts different people in different ways and can be either good or bad; glad or sad and can even allow some to be mad.

We can never truly get used to a moment of suddenly because it is a high-impact and oftentimes unforgettable moment in time.  Many are waiting for certain breakthroughs such as marriage proposals, job promotions, achieving millionaire status, ascending to a throne, or expansion of your ministry or other organization.

Do you remember Joseph and that with all the suffering and everything else he had been through – being forgotten, forsaken by those who should have stood – he rose suddenly to a position of great authority.

When a person rises suddenly it also allows others that are connected to you to rise suddenly as well.  When suddenly comes, instant change takes place.  Furthermore, suddenly comes with a sound and then the movement of the wind manifests – the Holy Spirit moves.

1 Kings 18: 41 tells us, “Then Elijah said to Ahab, “Go up, eat and drink; for there is the sound of abundance of rain.”

Also, in Acts 2: 1- 3, it tells us, “When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one placeAnd suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them.”

Those that were going through famine and remained faithful to the Lord, are about to see the abundance of rain be poured out in their lives.  As we draw near to Pentecost – which means Power, we are about to see a major pouring out of God upon the Body of Christ and the globe in general.  This will bring refreshing, birthing and transforming the things of God.   Meanwhile, we will see a purging of nations take place. 

Bad Suddenlies

The recent flooding in Fort Lauderdale, Florida where over 20 inches of rain fell suddenly, caught many off-guard.  Suddenly, boats had to be used in the streets instead of cars.  Suddenly, the international airport had to be shut down.  Suddenly, people had nowhere to sleep.  Suddenly, gas stations shut down.

There are many more “suddenlies” ahead – earthquakes in diverse places; tsunamis pending and other climatic activities.  Suddenly there will be wars.  Suddenly, Administrations will fall and new ones will rise up.  The political scene global will be interesting going forward to say the least.  Don’t forget that in the midst of the “suddenlies” – the Rapture can take place.  (Malachi 3: 1; Revelation 22: 12)

Recently, during our prayer, the Lord revealed that there will be sudden shakings and purgings in the following areas.

Paris  (in France)                          Kismet (in N.Y.)                 Cayman Islands

Vatican City (in Italy)                  Cancun (in Mexico)            Albuquerque (in New Mexico)

North Korea                                   South Korea                        Indonesia

Croatia                                              Miami Beach (Florida)            Palm Bay (in Florida)

Johannesburg (in S. Africa)       Palestine                              Ethiopia

India                                                  Colombia                             British Virgin Island

The Christmas Islands                St. Lucia                               St. Thomas

Plantation (in Florida)               Georgia                                 New Jersey

Long Island (New York)             Mt. Carmel (in N.Y.)            Ocho Rios (in JA)

Port Royal (in JA)                          Trelawny (in Jamaica)            Hopewell (in JA)

White Horses (in JA)                   Cooper’s Hill (in JA)            White Plains (N.Y.)

Naples (in Florida)                       Queens (in N.Y.)                Harbour View (in JA)

The Power of God

God’s power will manifest globally and many will see His power at work.  Furthermore, wars will affect different parts of the world, particularly the United States of America, Europe, and Jamaica and it will bring about a great exodus.                     

In addition to this, more diseases will breakout as scientists have open the door for attacks to all.  Funeral homes will be filled with what lies ahead.  We must also pray because many animals will die.

In this Season of Suddenly, every person must re-evaluate their relationships especially their relationship with the Lord.