The recently concluded 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, more commonly referred to as COP26, has brought some serious issue back into focus.

There cannot be any real discussion about Climate Change if we are going to exclude God – the Author and Creator of the Climate.  Most countries are focusing on the wrong thing; hence their nations’ resources are being channeled into the wrong areas and are wasted. 

Why are we so concerned about carbon emissions while ignoring the other things nations are actively engaged in that are destroying the planets. Instead, nations should be drafting resolutions to prosecute those who are deliberately polluting our oceans and seas the aqua life that call them home.  They should extend that punishment to those destroying our reefs and tampering with the environment and atmosphere.  That would include those who say they are attempting to block the sun.

God has created the earth perfectly and has given man the stewardship of this planet.  So, man is responsible for the management of the earth and the resources within the earth.  The seasons are also areas with which man continues to tamper.


Sin is the number one element that negatively impacts climate change and, if we continue to ignore sin, then everything they are putting on the table to deal with “Climate Change” will come to naught.   What man has done and continues to do in the globe, makes significant impact on the climate and ultimately upon Climate Change.

In 2 Chronicles 7: 13 – 14, which says, “When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land”, the Lord is reminding us that whenever man misses the target, the action in which must engage is Atonement.  Sin is the biggest threat to Climate Change. 

The Way We Treat The Poor

Interference with God’s Creation by the Scientists opens the door for serious environmental and spiritual repercussions that will affect creation.  Isaiah 24: 5 – 6 remind us that when we transgress against God’s Laws, it changes the ordinance, breaks everlasting covenants, cause tribulation and the violation of God’s Word defiles the earth.  Matthew 24: 21 says, “fire will begin to burn, because of the curse.  (Revelation 14 – 3; Ezekiel 38: 22).  Many will be killed and God will rain fire and brimstone upon all those who have an anti-Christ agenda.

Jeremiah 2:7 shows us that defilement comes in many ways.  Sadly, many of the countries that are speaking the most about Climate Change are the ones behind much of what is happening with the climate.  How are we going to speak about Climate Change, when the problem lies in some of the policies that are promoted globally.  For example, abortion, sexual immorality, witchcraft and population control.

The neglect of the poor also has a negative impact on Climate Change, as many of the poor cannot find basic food items.  This situation is being ignored by many countries.

Negative words spewed into the atmosphere also negatively affects the climate.

Repentance is the biggest solution, but it doesn’t make sense to repent if we are not willing to change. 

The word for “repentance” in Hebrew is “teshuva” which means “to rearrange your entire way of thinking, your feelings in order to forsake that which is wrong.” 

When man turns from evil and returns to good, we will see a time of refreshing in the earth, according to Acts 3: 19.

We need to be honest regarding Climate Change and repent of the harm that we have caused.  We need to get on the new path.  If you are driving and you realize that you are on the wrong path, what do we do, do we continue driving or do we change direction?  As far as Climate Change is concerned, when we change we will not only save billions of dollars, but we will also save lives.  We can then take that money saved and use it to have better infrastructure, (such as River Re-training) for the poor; and this would include education, food, and relocation of the poor from low-lying areas.

Let us be honest with ourselves and with each other and do what needs to be done for real Climate Change to take place.