Revival is a word that many speak about and many desire to see. But
revival does not necessarily come the way we think it should. For example,
many often think revival is about miracles happening all at once or signs
and wonders manifesting. Meanwhile, others think it is another opportunity
for “prophets” to fleece some people. But that’s not it.

In the true sense of the word, a revival indicates that something has been
restored or has come to life again. It means an improvement in the
condition or strength of something. It also means an instance of something
becoming popular, active, or important again; a reawakening of religious
fervor – where souls are being saved or there is a major outpouring of
God’s Presence in the earth.

It is important to note that a revival can often
be started by an adverse occurrence. For example, the COVID-19
Pandemic is an adverse occurrence, however, it has started a revival within
the Church, bringing them back to basics and restoring proper priorities.
The Caribbean is on the verge of revival because of what is about to take
place in the region in many areas. This will bring the latter rain which will
cause revival.

How To Cause Revival
There has to be a build up of prayer, fasting, giving, declaration, worship,
travailing, evangelism and holiness. This will create an environment for the
Holy Spirit to move freely. Revival comes through pressure and is like a
reset. The dormant thing will come back to life; there will no longer be a
desire for sin, divination, kundalini spirit, and the demolition of the Jezebel
spirit. The counterfeit will be broken and the genuine and authentic will
emerge. Jesus will become the center of the people again. The eyes of
the people will be opened to truth; the zeal for the house of God will return.
Man’s hope and trust will be in God again and not in politicians and

Foundation Shaken

In a revival, we will begin to see the shaking of foundations. Similarly,
when Peter, Paul and Silas were “released” from prison through the
shaking of the earthquake, that was a revival. (Acts 3; Joel 2: 28 – 29) A
time of refreshing and the return of the backsliders. Looking at the
outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room found in the Book of Acts,
we see the Law of Multiplication occurring – signs and wonders, growth,
increase, healing and deliverance. When the persecution of the saints
were taking place in the book of Acts, many were losing their jobs, a unity
came about through the Holy Spirit. Many began to give without limitation
and lay things at the Apostles’ feet for distribution to those who were not
working. There was no lack. It happened already and it will happen again.

Revival In The Family
There will be a revival in the family. The pouring out of the Malachi 4: 5 – 6
Anointing for the restoration of families, particularly between children and
their fathers. This revival will destroy the gender agenda that many are
using to divide the family.
We are about to see husbands and wives serve God together again in the
house of the Lord, according to Ephesians 5, where husbands will “sanctify
and cleanse her (the wife) with the washing of water by the word”.

Revival In The Marketplace
The deceptive market strategies are about to come to an end. Famine,
recession. This will open the door for Biblical and Kingdom Economics,
where Godly principles will be accepted and established within the
marketplace, and only those organizations that accept it will survive.
Prayer will return to the workplace, to the schools and to the prisons.
Darkness will begin to disappear and righteous leaders will begin to
We will begin to see the alignment and proper functioning of the luminary
bodies; and a reduction of lies about climate change – the Glory of God will
manifest! Ezekiel 47 and Revelation 22 will begin to take place.

There will be healing of nations by the pouring out of God’s Spirit, where
the poor the fatherless and the widow will be taken care of by the
Government of God in the earth – His Church. There will be fair distribution
of resources.
We will see the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in different forms.
 The Dove symbolizing peace, power, patience and purity.
 The Oil symbolizing purity and health;
 The Water symbolizing the cleansing;
 The Wind symbolizing the regenerative work of the Holy Spirit; and
 The Seal symbolizing ownership and authority.
Prepare for the revival!