There are many seminars and even more life coaches out there extracting hundreds of thousands of dollars to tell those who will listen that getting success is as easy as ABC.  They also give a bunch of keys on how to get that success.  However, each person has to understand that in order to have success, there will be pain and great sacrifice.  It means you would be up working while others are sleeping.  Not everyone has a vision for success – there are those who only have a vision to collect a cheque. 

To have success the God intended, you must be willing to deny yourself daily (walk away from many things you would want or are accustomed to having), pick up the cross and follow Jesus Christ.  You must walk in integrity and stand even in the midst of mocking, criticisms, and negative works, just as Noah did.  You must believe in the vision even when no one else does.  You must be willing and determined to stand even when everyone around you is falling apart.  You are the one who must ensure that you hold on to Jesus as your source of success, as many alternatives will come.

God wants us to be successful in all areas including business.  Isaiah 48: 17 says, “Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, The Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, Who teaches you to profit, Who leads you by the way you should go.”

Influencers Need To Know

All businesspeople, politicians and CEOs – influencers everywhere, must remember that the success of their organization is not in their intellect or qualification, but God is the source.  Failure to accept and acknowledge Him will bring trouble in the future.

Persistence in Prayer will bring success. There will be stubborn problems that you will battle, and it will not necessarily be resolved overnight; it will take real determination to go over the hurdles, but the end result will be success.

Never start something and stop it because of an obstacle.  Despite the obstacles you must finish what you have started.  For example, many pray for God to bless them or open doors for them to study.  When He opens the door, they go to 2 or 3 classes and stop.  However, the have made themselves ill-equipped to overcome the obstacles that lie ahead in the future.

When God was releasing the breakthrough, He already knew there would be obstacles, so we have no excuse.

Success will come to those who are willing to use biblical principles and follow diligently the leading of the Holy Spirit to empower the poor the fatherless and the widow.  Very few have interests in that area.  This is what brings glory to God.


Regardless of what debates there are that tell us what will make us rich, some say Block Chain, some say Cryptocurrency, some say Bitcoins – but nothing makes sense unless it is unto God.  Most think that money and sex are the most important things, and this is why most laws are based on these two areas. 

Most of these lawmakers and influencers don’t care one bit about the poor. They are selfish and self-centered, this why there is no proper governance. A man who is rich and comfortable does not see the need for God.  As far as they are concerned their only need is to get rich.  Greed is the order of the day, and that is why the globe is not interested in educating the poor.  They want them to make poor decisions so that they will benefit.  This is why the Lord is about to shake many foundations.  It is critical for us to seek God. (Matthew 6: 33) He is the only One Who should be worshipped.  Many worship other things, and this is why many are losing sight of what true faith is really about.  The love of money is pulling many away from God; and as a result they are undergoing great sorrow.  With sorrow comes problems. Despite all, remember Hebrews 13: 5 which says, “Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Furthermore, Matthew 6: 24 is real.  We can’t serve 2 masters.  Many are serving Mammon which is a dangerous spirit.  Mammon is derived from the Babylonian word “mimma” which means “anything at all”.

What We All Need To Know

Only God can satisfy the soul – not silver and gold.  When we put God first in our lives then He will give us joy and everything else and use us to build His kingdom.  Never be too hasty to be rich.  Success is a journey.  Haste will bring loss and pain.  God wants all of us to succeed, but to gain success we must follow His leading and His timing.  God’s timing is perfect, and when His timing comes, nothing will stand in the way of your gaining success.