The most dangerous things that can happen to a nation are moral and spiritual collapse.

Our nation has been heading in this direction for a long time and now it seems to have accelerated toward this dangerous place.  No doctor can effectively treat any illness or issue unless they have properly diagnosed the patient.  Thereafter, they can begin to apply to correct remedy to ensure restoration of good health.

Foundational Cracks

There are many within society today who are ignoring the obvious moral and spiritual breakdown taking place at every turn.  Some believe that building roads and other tangible infrastructure, and the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) throughout the entire societal framework, and the subtle mandating of vaccination will bring change to the society.  However, when there is moral and spiritual breakdown, it means that the foundation is cracked and any builder will tell you that when the foundation cracks, no matter what you build on it, it is just a matter of time before everything comes falling down.


Moral and spiritual breakdown starts from the top.  When this happens, particularly in a Christian-based, God-centered society, the first “plan of action” given is always to secularize the society by rejecting God and the principles of God, pushing the Church into a corner – showing no respect to the Church by deeming it irrelevant, while promoting money and carnal, immoral activities as relevant to economic growth which is then deemed as the savior of the nation.

Identifying Moral and Spiritual Breakdown

Here a some of the things we will see when there is moral and spiritual breakdown in a society.


Lack of Value for Life

Significant increase in levels of Crime and Violence

Exploitation and Disappearance of Children

Significant increase in rape

Less marriages taking place while Divorce Rates increase

Promotion of and Increases in Common Law Relationships and Promiscuity

Significant increase in abortion rates and dramatic rise in the sale of dead embryos and body parts.

Less desire to gather as the Church as the zeal for God slowly dies.

Greed, sexual perversion, witchcraft, high levels of dishonor and lack of care for another become rampant in the society.

It is dangerous when God begins to give over the nation to their sinful practices, because what you desire is what you will get, including the repercussions that come along with it.  Those repercussions include having leaders over the nation that will take away the nation’s liberties. 

Nations Are Born, Nations Die

Ecclesiastes 3: 1 – 2 says, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven:  A time to be born, and a time to die …”

The decisions of every nation – morally and spiritually – will determine whether that nation lives or dies.  Many nations in Europe and Asia are now dying.  Surprisingly, many in the Caribbean have been and are still trying to be like those nations.  When natural laws are broken there are always consequences.  Likewise, the same goes for spiritual laws, and the impact for that is more far-reaching than anyone can imagine.

When the institution of Family begins to breakdown, that is the beginning of moral and spiritual collapse.  Transformation and restoration of moral and spiritual collapse can only come through the Holy Spirit of God.  It starts with repentance, prayer, fasting, prophesying – speaking the messages from God – not from man nor to please man, and spiritual cleansing according to Ezekiel 36 – so that God will give new hearts and new desires.  Transformation happens from the inside out; and only God can bring transformation in a nation.  Most want transformation by way of conforming to the blueprints of other nations.  However, that would only propel greater moral and spiritual decline. 

We have seen the political Ferris wheel in effect decade after decade in our nation with no effort to change.  We continue to hear the big promises with little result.  We hear of the fancy forecasts and plans to bring change for the better, and we must come to the realization that it is all talk and no action. 

Sir Winston Churchill once said, “Politics is the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn’t happen.”  This is what we see happening in our society.

Winston Churchill said, “The one thing we have learned from history is that we don’t learn from history.” However, I implore us all to learn from history and prepare for a great overturn.