Genesis 28: 14 says, “Also your descendants shall be as the dust of the earth; you shall spread abroad to the west and the east, to the north and the south; and in you and in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Without a doubt, the Word for 2023 to the faithful who have toiled and endured and remained faithful is that God wants you to “Make Room” for the great blessing that is ahead, come what may. He is about to give us the Mimshach anointing to spread, expand and take dominion. 

God First

Isaiah 54: 2 says “Enlarge the place of your tent and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; Do not spare; Lengthen your cords, And strengthen your stakes.”

That means God wants us to make room because He wants to fill us up with His Presence, Power, Prosperity and also to reveal His plans for what is ahead.  Oftentimes we have many plans but God is not in it.  Whatever our plans are, God must be at the center of them all.  He wants us to have plans for greater wealth, greater expansion, and that is why we need to make room.

Matthew 6: 33 reminds us, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”  Seeking God is the foundation for prosperity and long life. 

Big Plans

I am sure that leaders are putting great plans in place to roll out the Artificial Intelligence, Biometrics, Tourism, Vaccinations, Climate Change, Mind Control, Deception and more in 2023.  However, very few have a plan to increase their role in the Kingdom.  Everyone, particularly the wealthy, should use Luke 12: 16 – 21 as a guide.  The Rich Fool was making plans for major expansion to put reap and store all the fruits given to Him by God, but he never had a plan to give some of that fruit to advance the kingdom.  He wanted to keep everything without giving back to the Lord.  He forgot that God is the One who gives us the power to get wealth.

Advancing The Kingdom

Many times we hear about organizations making super-profits, and then suddenly thereafter, you hear that the CEO suddenly dies – he/she did not live to enjoy it.  Some don’t even make time nor allow for office devotions. 

Many strategic plans for 2023 do not include giving back to the Lord.  They include everything for the flesh, but nothing for the Spirit.  God wants them to make room and lay up treasures in heaven.  That is the only safe investment they would nave that cannot be affected by earthly issues.  It is not like FTX Bitcoin Bankruptcy situation.  With God, your investment is sure.  It goes beyond the natural and into the spiritual.

Making Room

Making Room includes:

  • Tithing (Malachi 3)
  • Giving to the poor
  • Using your gifts and talents to worship God (Proverbs 18: 16)
  • Giving/Showing more love and compassion to others daily
  • Extend the Grace and Favor God has given to you to others as well
  • Putting the needs of others before others
  • Spending more time in the Presence of God to seek Him.  What if politicians were putting the needs of others before their own friends and family. 

Furthermore, in making room, God will grant you new ideas and solutions, which will bring global change.  It also includes:

  • Walking before God in greater purity.
  • Winning souls for Christ.
  • Receiving the Mimshach Anointing for the extending of our borders
  • Bringing Healing deliverance to a broken world and raising up a righteous generation.
  • Greater Outreach for the poor
  • Expansion of outreach

Making room means that we must remove some things, rearrange, dump some things because we are making space for new things!  Away with the Old, bring in the new!

Know that when we make room, we are making space for greater joy, greater Divine Presence, Wisdom, Knowledge, having more time for family.

We are freeing up space for God to increase our capacity to do greater things than we are doing now.  (Leviticus 26: 9 – 10). This includes new things, new businesses, new direction, new people, new/bigger house, more resources.  So, remember, when God is going to do big things, including the expansion of one’s family, He will always say, “Make Room!”