Have you ever stopped to think that if man placed greater value on life than they do the economy, how much better  

Everyday we wake up we are inundated with the resounding chorus “The Economy! The Economy! The Economy!”  Was it the economy that resulted in the COVID-19 pandemic? Was it the economy why so many people died during the pandemic?

Poor Decisions

Mankind continues to make decisions in the name of the economy.  Economy seems to be the new god.  Any individual government or group that prioritizes the economy in a nation above all else, then there will be failure and chaos and more of what is called “Climate Change”.

While the economy was made by God to service and sustain man, God did not create it to be worshipped.  He instructed man to take dominion.  He even instructed man to have a day of rest unto Him, but because of the economy man cannot even keep the 10 Commandments.


It was man’s rebellion against God that caused man to be thrown out of the garden, bringing curses upon mankind.

Jesus Christ had to come to reconcile mankind to God, and even so, man still has not learned the lesson.   So, although Jesus dies to restore man, man still rejects God. 

What should have been managed by us is now managing us, and we are now becoming slaves of the economy.  Hence, we have diverted from the path of true prosperity, fighting for something we cannot carry beyond the natural realm.  As a result, people are now dying for want of the basic needs – food, shelter, health, and justice.

When man only focuses on “How wealthy can I get?” or “What can I cut to get greater wealth and expand my profit?”  “How much can I hide away for myself?”

Man has shifted from God and has allowed the serpent to lead them.  But they must remember that Revelation 12: 9 says, So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Therefore, regardless of how wealth man becomes, if Christ is not priority, then there will be a significant waste taking place.  The soul will run into problems and that is why we must have fellowship with God.

Destroying The Family

Many have been destroying their families, adding to the brokenness of families within nations.  It cannot be that every decision we make is solely about the economy.  We put wrong leaders in position, because of the economy and this is why we have poor representation.

The economy goes beyond money management, investments, stocks, bonds, yachts, and private jets.  It’s all about maintaining the human resources where the family is the first line of government.  The family is now broken and many have been neglected because of the fact that man has put the economy first. 

The Word and The Holy Spirit

There are 2 keys of uttermost importance for man’s survival – the Word and the Holy Spirit of God. 

The Word symbolizes man’s nourishment and sustenance both spiritually and naturally.  It also represents cleansing, direction, moral guidance and power to get wealth.  The Holy Spirit is man’s GPS (God’s Positioning System).  HE will lead us into the direction the father wants us to go; and He is the only One who leads us through the right way, and into a better relationship with the Father.  He opens our eyes to know what it is the priority.

The World’s Way

The world’s way is about greed.  They are not about bringing a cure.   Instead, everything they have to offer is about treating symptoms, not finding the root cause.

God has created everything for the benefit of man including the economy and He did not charge us for it.  He created the fruit trees, the insects, the Livestock, rivers, fish, then gave us air and sunlight, and all we did was erode it all.  We are seeing man destroy everything that God gave to mankind in the name of the economy – mad scientists included. 

Where Are We

We are at the stage now where:

  • the market is more important than mental health
  • the oceans are being depleted and destroyed for the sake of the market
  • the air has been tampered with and the environment neglected
  • the poor have been neglected and babies slaughtered in the name of the economy.

If we truly care about the economy and you want it to be strong, then we must change our priorities and our ways to avert the calamity ahead.