It is critical for every leader – locally and globally – meditate on the following scriptures.

Every leader is accountable to God. 

Romans 13: 1 tells us, “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.”

Jesus was given all authority in both heaven and earth by the Heavenly Father.

Matthew 28: 18; John 3: 35.  As such, anyone who comes against God’s authority, His rule, His reign, are against His covenant ones, will be dealt with in the same manner in which he dealt with Nebuchadnezzar.  (Daniel 2: 21; Daniel 4: 17

Every leader everywhere must know that there is a difference between submission to a leader and giving worshiping a leader.  Worship only belongs to God, (Matthew 4: 10; Psalm 96: 4 – 5) not man nor god.  Any system put in place to hinder man from fully worshipping God.

Based on some of the laws being put in place with each nation, which come against Christ and oppress the poor, we are about to see great confusion in the earth.

What Confusion?

By definition, “confusion” means “lack of understanding and certainty; indecision; breakdown of order, disarray, disorganization, mess, entanglement; perplexity, bewilderment, puzzlement, jumbled.”

We must realize, however, that beyond the definition, confusion is a spirit which comes with disorder, lack of understanding and a lack of knowledge of God.  Every leader within and over the nations must know that a nation, system or process that is built without God will be confused.

In Deuteronomy 28: 20 – 28 God specifically shows us that once man disobeys Him, then automatically a manifestation of curses, rebukes, madness and confusion will take place.  It means that whatever they touch will be cursed and they will be unable to communicate, so everything will become stagnant. 

Furthermore, those who neglect the Holy Spirit, and refuse to abide by God’s Truth when building the society will experience great loss in addition to the confusion. They will see loss of taxpayers’ money.  God will bring them strong delusion and allow them to be deceived.  Whatever they build will be torn down by God and the wind will test to see what materials they used to build.


In Genesis 11 before and after the flood, the world had one language, and as such we see the group led by Nimrod who created Babylon.   Babylon represents any system without God. It is mentioned more than 70 times in the Bible and is a symbol of the world systems.  The word Babylon means confusion – a worldly system opposed to God.  The Hebrew word Babylon in the Book of Revelation comes from the Hebrew root word balalwhich means, to confuse by mixing the word.  It speaks of a system that will be destroyed by God for its wickedness.  (Revelation 18)

The word Babylon is also connected to the word bab-iluwhich means the “gate of god”.  Jamaica and the other Caribbean nations continue to build with the system of Babylon by emulating other countries, which will receive the punishment of Revelation 18. 

As we see in Genesis 11, God confused the language of the builders and scattered them.  Each person wanted to make a name for himself/herself, being independent of God.  We should never forget what God did with the king Nebuchadnezzar politically, businesswise and socially.  Many systems are now being put in place to put people in bondage, limit their freedom and introduce the tools for their plans which include AI – Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Biometrics, Number Assignment, as well as interference with the planetary bodies – the cosmos DNA altering, militarization of civilians, private surveillance and much more.

Babylon always wants to oppose God’s word which include population control, migration, border closure, brain drain, digital currency all leading to the one world order on a global scale.

So, the enemy wants to remove the Almighty God from the nations while adopting gods to worship.  However, any government that goes against the will and knowledge of God will be destroyed and its people will be scattered.  They want the Marxist philosophies to replace God’s Truth.

From Leadership to Dictatorship

As the transition takes place from Leadership within the nations to Dictatorship globally, we will see:

Anti-family System

One World Digital Currency

One World Religion

One World Education System

And processes will be put in place to attack freedom of expression and freedom of speech.

So, be firm in your efforts to become knowledgeable in the Word of God and in all your getting get understanding.