Most of the happenings worldwide have shown us the failure of the leaders at various levels throughout the globe to deal with the needs of the people.  Many are starving because of the policies imposed during the COVID-19 Pandemic – and this as a result of the fact that leaders fail to seek and listen to God in building.   So instead, they continue to build on sand. (Psalm 127; Matthew 7).

1 Corinthians 7: 13 – 14 clearly outlines the solutions in times of problem. 

Shifting And Shaking

Our global leaders hastily embrace the anti-Christ resources that brings nations further into bondage and famine and ultimately affect the sovereignty of most nations.  As the global shifting and shaking continues, we will continue to see the relocating and restructuring of families for Kingdom purposes.  It is critical for God’s people to be sensitive to His move and move with His Spirit.  It is a season for the renewal of the mind.  The blessings of each person will be tied to the Kingdom. God is about to judge the marine kingdom and pride will be shaken.


Matthew 13: 24 – 30 tells us that we are in a time of one of the greatest harvests.  In this current harvest we see the wheat and the tears being separated.  We are also seeing the manifestation of the five wise and five foolish virgins. 

The Bible speaks of many harvests including the harvest of souls, the harvest of miracles and rewards for one’s deeds, and the harvest of finance. 

We must recognize that during a harvest, we will need to work double time.  In harvest time, there will be wars, because the enemy wants to steal our harvest.  So, it is critical for us to continue to plant, reap and store.  In reaping, we receive some thirty, some sixty, and some a hundred-fold.  We are moving into the manifestation of the thousand and ten thousand-fold.

Harvest is something for which we have to prepare.  Many believe that the harvest will simply fall into their laps.  A person must have faith in order to reap during the harvest season.  A farmer does not necessarily wait for perfect weather to plant, he plants regardless of what weather as long as it is within the right season. (Ecclesiastes 3) We don’t go according to the world’s ways, whether good or bad.   The way of the world is finished.

Know The Season of Your Harvest

Every farmer needs to know the season – when to check the maturity of the harvest.  In order to do that, there are some things we need to understand about the maturity of the harvest.

When something is mature/ripe, you can see it, feel it, smell it and it sometimes falls from the tree.  It has a specific color when it is mature.  We must ensure that we do everything to protect our harvest.  We must not complain because that kills the harvest.  Tithing must continue during the harvest.  It protects the harvest.  Your tithing is your best pest controller.  Many will come to swipe the harvest, but your tithing will rebuke the devourer for your sake.  It will also open the windows of heaven and send rain.  It will stop predial larceny.

Remember, in times of harvest, we must allow the Lord to lead the reaping.  There will be wheat and tares, so there will be exposure during the harvest.  God is the One who will root out the false and the fake.  The tares can be false doctrines, false teachers, the Judases, the enemies, the goat and only God has the wisdom to do the uprooting.  There are many times people will be in your vineyard as a sleeper/undercover, and only God is able to deal with them.  So, we must pray to ask Him to purge and protect the vineyard. 

We must have high expectations and patience during harvest.  Many have sowed and toiled but this is the time of harvest.  It can be your healing, the mending of some relationships and restoration.  It can also be babies being born, gifts and talents coming forth; promotions, favor for the starting of your business, honor and reward for the good work you have been doing over the years.

This is the time of harvest for you!