Luke 11: 52 says, “Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge. You did not enter in yourselves, and those who were entering in you hindered.”

Knowledge changes life and environment.  People become poor because there is a set of persons in society that constantly do all they can to hinder knowledge from the poor.  They constantly stand at the door to stop the poor from laying hold of the knowledge that can build them up.  It is no secret that the majority of the resources the rich make is off the backs of the poor.

Acquiring knowledge is very expensive and most of the poor cannot afford to access it.  Many have turned it into a business

And very few know where or how to search to find it.  Sometimes the poor enter into transactions with limited information afforded to them, and then it ushers them into debt.  However, to the banks, it gives them a foothold into the financial future of such persons. For the rich, it is an opportunity to make greater profit.  So, to change the environment from poverty to prosperity, the poor first needs to know the private laws that will bring great benefits to the user.

So, in the same way the rich does, we should begin to operate with the mindset of “own nothing control everything”.  Understand that whatever is in your name can be taken away.

Also, we need to understand the concept of eminent domain.

We also need to know what expatriate investors know, and how they benefit.  We need to seek to understand how they qualify for assistance whether or not they have suffered a loss; when the poor merely gets a care package. 

The Traits of a Godly Billionaire

There is nothing wrong with money; it is the love of money that is the root of all evil.  So, there is nothing wrong with having money.  As long as we are not possessed with the spirit of mammon, then we are okay. 

Godly billionaires look to God as their source, not to man.  Their trust is in God, hence, in time of famine.  Godly billionaires understand the poor.  They understand prayer and fasting and their importance to growth, development and expansion.  For example, the Ezra Fast.  They understand the power and value of Tithing and they know the benefits of giving to the poor to maintain their wealth and riches.

Godly billionaires know the benefits and blessings of hiring good staff who are Christians and will do everything to keep them.

Godly billionaires will pay decent wages and will not steal from or shortchange their staff members.  They pay them on time because they understand biblical principles.  They also use the Bible, and the instruction of the Holy Spirit to make decisions when terminating staff, they always do it in love and in accordance with the Word of God.  (Philippians 2: 30)

They don’t show partiality in the business place; they treat all with fairness (Leviticus 19: 15)  They understand fair income (Leviticus 19: 13, James 5).  They refuse to rob hired servants or aliens.  (Deuteronomy 24: 14 – 15).   There are many organizations that are robbing the wages of the poor, and most organizations are now receiving a curse as a result.  When they get low wages, banks and other institutions extract most if not all of the of the wages poor.  Unless those organizations repent, many will be closed, because their business practices leave much to be desired.

The Bible outlines that some of the workers should be paid on a daily basis, so that they can pay their daily expenses, including food.  There are many poor employees going to bed hungry, because of how they are treated by major companies.. 

The Bible specifically outlines labor laws and how to treat staff.  Since the pandemic, there are many who are suffering as a result of the poor treatment they receive from employers.

So, financial literacy is not something that should only be understood by the poor, but the rich too would benefit from financial literacy and the Bible is the blueprint.  Many longstanding organizations will be caving in because of their practices.  The poor also needs to know that the rich does not keep their money in one place, they have diverse portfolios; including private and commercial real estate and gold, and they also invest in good artwork.  They also keep cash on hand

 In the event of disaster or collapse of the financial market.