We have been seeing crises everywhere – school shootings, gang violence, the breakdown of morals in the society, and it is all leading back to the absence of the fathers.  The prisons are being filled as a result of the absence of the fathers.   As we conduct marriage and family counseling, we recognize that the absence of the father is one of the main contributors to the problem.  Surprisingly, while families are broken, there is a lot of money being given by first world countries to come against the family institution in general.  Furthermore, the media and the radical feminists are working around the clock to remove fathers from the society.  The time is now for fathers rise up and align themselves right and bring change to the society. 

Unfortunately, many fathers do not know their role; even more so, many husbands don’t know their roles either.  1 Corinthians 4: 15 – 17 reminds us, For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. Therefore I urge you, imitate me.”

It is critical to look at this scripture as a lack of good fathers is preventing growth and development and maturity, both within the world and in the Church and as a result there is a crisis regarding leadership for the next generation.

The true fathers birth sons and daughters, not just spiritually, but physically.  They also motivate their children and they carry a key to unlock one’s true potential – bringing maturity to those they father.

We are now seeing the signs of a fatherless generation.

A Father Must Be A Father

Bringing forth a child is not the only qualification for fatherhood.  They must cover, provide for, discipline, impart to, mentor and encourage.  Their words have capacity to bring forth life and death – blessings or curses.

We see in the Bible that each time an important milestone was reached in the life of Jesus, the Father always spoke.  Fathers give assurance, confidence, and healing to those who suffer from rejection – particularly the girls.  They can shift the atmosphere at any time bringing in order where there is disorder, as well as alignment where things are awry and will also bring accountability.

Very rarely do we see good fathers rising up with truth.  The father is the one who teaches their children to fear God as well as discipline and respect.  The words of a father can decide the way of a child or the length of their days.

The true father also teaches their children the power of prayer, forgiveness, the Word of God.  Furthermore, they don’t provoke their children to anger, but instead discipline them God’s way.   Malachi 4: 5-6 outlines that there has to be a restoration of the fathers to the children. 

This scripture lets us recognize that the hearts of the fathers were first turned from their children and as a result the hearts of the children were then turned away from their fathers.   So, if there is to be any change within society and by extension the world, then the hearts of the fathers must first be turned back to their children and the hearts of the children will be turned back to their fathers.  This scripture also reminds us that this is also the solution for climate change.  

Every climate change expert should know that unless the restoration of the relationship between fathers and their children takes place then the climatic crises will continue.

A Good Father

A good father leaves a legacy for their children.  Legacy is not just money but also a spiritual foundation; and that brings generational blessings.  They are also always accessible to their children.  They also pray for their children daily.  (Jeremiah 33: 3, 1 Samuel 12: 23).  They promote unity and will not permit strife in their house.   They will not give up in believing in their children.

When there are no good fathers, the dons become the fathers, then we have problems in the society.  Proverbs 23: 24 is the key to how we treat fathers and mothers; every child should respect that, or be taught to respect that.  They should never allow anyone to dictate otherwise to them.

Another thing that children need to be taught, is that there is great danger when they disrespect or dishonor their fathers, because according to Exodus 20: 12 and Matthew 15: 4, that act determines the length of their days.

A good father always shows compassion to their children, according to Psalm 103: 13. 

Every father should know, and so should everyone else, that fathers are to be the representatives of the Heavenly Father here on earth, hence, we are not supposed to compromise or seek to be politically correct, because we are made in His image.

Hence the are not to be afraid of disciplining their sons and daughters.