End Time signs and symbols are visible everywhere in our world today.  Throughout the entire globe we are seeing activities that speak to that.  Furthermore, we are now seeing a dress rehearsal of sorts of Revelation 13.

In order for the saints to not be deceived, it is critical to understand signs and symbols in the end time. 

For example, the White horse is a symbol of international power and politics. In the form of military conquest and global deception. Many countries will be conquered through loans that they are borrowing from other countries. Warning for countries that keep borrowing loans. Many loans will be default and many countries will find themselves in trouble.  The

Red Horse is a symbol of civil war and strife.  The Black Horse is symbol of economic disruption. Inflation, things will become scarce or shortage.  There will be labor problems – low wages; rampant starvation, and God wants us to stockpile water and gold.  It also means there will be great shifts in the global economy!  The Pale Horse is a symbol of disease and death, devastation that will break out.  It means that there will be a shortage of medication that will take place. So, more problems within the ocean as more fish will die.  (Study Revelation, read the seven letters to the church.)

Remember, the Anti-Christ will create events in the end time and use them as opportunities to implement their system.  For example, COVID-19 has opened the door for many things to be introduced – Apps, surveillance devices, biometrics and other such things under the disguise of health, safety, security and economic development.

The Anti-Christ is after one world order, one world currency and a borderless society.  He wants to be like God.  He wants to build a system where he can have control of all information for everyone everywhere at the tip of his fingers.  The signing of the Peace Treaty with the USA, Israel and the Arab nations is the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38 and 38. 

The body parts, animals and other images are critical to understanding end time revelations. For example, the forehead symbolizes identification purposes (NIDS, Biometrics and others) – that which is prominent; something or someone. (Revelation 13: 16 – 18, Revelation 22: 4; Jeremiah 3: 3)

The right hand means oath of allegiance which signifies power, honor and natural strength. 

It is interesting that in order to test for the COVID-19 when you are entering a building, they scan your head and your right hand.  Could it be a major dress rehearsal for the system that is already being put in place which will not allow you to buy or sell without a “mark”?

The number “6” means “flesh, carnal, man, evil, Satan”.  The current computer code is 6 and it will extend to other 6’s.  Governments will want to operate as if they are gods and will attach your blood type, tax information and all your assets once you go into a building then they will have access to all your information. 

You have heard of things being stored in the “cloud”, but who owns and monitors this cloud?  We know that the devil operates in the second heaven, which is where we see the physical clouds, sky and so on.  So who is controlling the information stored in “the cloud”?

There are 6 different kinds of COVID-19 in existence.  They say 6 people are safer together in the pandemic.  Then they say stay 6 feet apart to maintain proper social distancing.  Much of how the world is run seems to hinge on 6’s.  Six also is the number that represents SIN.

It is critical for us also to read Daniel 7 to unlock the code.  Many global leaders will be taking allegiance with the Anti-Christ rather than with Christ in order to maintain political power.  It will first start with the poorer ones in the society.  They will need to depend on the state for survival, but it will come with their allegiance, particularly through voting, which is easier to manipulate.

God’s people need to discern in the end time.  They should in no way listen to the excuse that things are implemented to better govern the people.  The book of Genesis did not state that man was given the authority to have dominion over man or for man to be worshiped.  Worship belongs only to God.  The Anti-Christ is looking for worship and for people to bow down. 

The kneeling of members of the Black Lives Matter group, and others in the sports industry are all dress rehearsals of what is to come.  Unless mankind looks to God, many will bow, but it will be too late.