There is a global shift in many nations in terms of changing their political systems, under the guise of Capitalism.  There are many leaders globally who seek to have absolute power.  It is critical for people to discern the subtle changes that are taking place to achieve it. 

Changes Are Coming

We have to begin to watch the reforms that are taking place.  For example, laws are being overturned and changed.  Workplaces are changing things, sweeping changes are taking place within the banking and overall financial system.

Very shortly, the rights of the poor will not exist.  We must also watch for changes within remittance policies, expansion of security forces and the appointments of people within the nation to strategic areas.   

Those that are loyal to ‘The Establishment” will be promoted.  What this means is that people will no longer be promoted based on merit or performance.  You will always hear that many of the changes that are taking place are for economic and security reasons. 

Special interest personnel are being strategically placed throughout the nations.  So, it is very important for the separation of powers to be clearly defined.

Weaknesses Revealed

We are already seeing Freedom of Speech at the global level coming under threat.  The Media has become weak and silent and only seem to have big talk against the poor, but cannot open their mouths against those who are persecuting the poor.

The coronavirus pandemic has shown us the weaknesses in our systems at every level.  While most countries are pushing for communism, it is critical for leaders to know the purpose a plans God has for each nation and the blueprint He has for each of them.

Many countries are speaking of moving away from colonialism, while behind the scenes, they adopt an even worse version of it – and as such, an anti-Christ system is emerging, setting the stage for even greater problem.  Any system built without God, as in Genesis 11, will come crashing down.

For example, we have just seen where Barbados has abandoned the monarchy.  Many are praising Barbados and are declaring that others should follow suit.  Without a doubt, Barbados will have temporary prosperity as many investors will be running to Barbados – the fresh meat – to set up their office, based on the policies that nation will pursue.

However, they are building on sand, and the question now becomes, do they think they will be better off.  Time will tell.

What should be happening is that the nations should be negotiating to get better deals for their people.  Those “so-called” first world nations need our nations and our resources even more now.  We have leverage and we need to use that to get better for our people – free education, as well as migration and employment opportunities in those nations. 

Here is a question.  Which is better to deal with, the lion or the dragon?

Things To Watch

Here are the things to watch out for:

  • Divestment of our assets
  • Change of ownership of our prime lands (no longer locally owned)
  • Disappearance of local banks
  • Minimization of religion
  • Attack on religious rights.
  • Abolishment of all rights of inheritance.
  • More attacks on the Family
  • Confiscation of all immigrants and “rebels”
  • Control of Communication and Transportation systems
  • Elimination of the free market
  • Suppression of the flow of information.
  • Negative Reformation of the Education System
  • Increased Human Rights Violations to include unauthorized surveillance
  • Disappearance of Workers’ Rights
  • Exclusion of persons who can make a change in the society.  Those in charge will begin to put things in place so that only the elite will have access to certain things.  A system will be put in place to divide and conquer.
  • People will be constantly monitored and privacy will dwindle significantly.

It is therefore critical for people to begin praying to ensure that the freedoms God has given to us are preserved.  We cannot allow things to reach the stage where they say as the Body of Christ that we cannot preach certain messages anymore, nor walk with a Bible because it is considered offensive. 

In these times, we have to beware of Communism wearing the coat of Capitalism.