Recent happenings globally have brought the Church, once again, under scrutiny.  The Church should understand by now that this is another distraction, and everyone should be on board to carry out the mandate.  It is time to reform and govern, because the world has failed to offer any hope or solutions.  It is no secret that a great deal of resources was put in to try to bring the Church down.  It must be clear to everyone within the Body of Christ going forward, that the Church is not just an organization it is a living organism.

A Living Organism

There is a difference between an organism and an organization.  An organization as we understand it, has buildings, chairs and other infrastructure – all of which are lifeless.  However, an organism has life – it is a living thing, birthed out of life which also produces life and it is life that powers the organism – the Holy Spirit of God – Who is Life.

We must understand that the Church is a mediator between heaven and earth and the Church belongs to Jesus Christ.  So, when viruses and plagues come, don’t try to and think you are shutting the Church down, while you leave open organizations which are lifeless – they don’t support life nor are they supported by Life.

We are the salt and the light, the Church does not follow the world, we follow Christ and they follow us.  Any nation that tries to muzzle the Church or bring regulations to police the Church, they will be plunged into darkness.


We must restore order in the House.  Order must be accomplished and also comes with prayer.  WE must return to Prayer.  We must also understand that it is not our degree, intellect or academic prowess that brings revival to a church.  It is the Holy Spirit and we all need to understand that it is the Holy Spirit Who is in-charge.  He is God and not to be played with or mocked. 

The Marketplace

The way in which we train our people must change.  We need to train them for what they will face on a practical level, and not simply on the theology.  Spiritual warfare is real, and we are engaged on a daily basis.  If there are so many Christians working within the marketplace, we are we not preparing them for the marketplace?

Every one of Jesus’ disciples were from the marketplace.  So, while we are called to both saved and unsaved people, too much time is being spent on those who are already saved, while the unsaved are dying and the enemy is reaping their souls.

If we as a nation are going to create any serious impact, communication will be a key factor.  Jesus communicated with persons at every level – including farmers, fishermen, politicians, civil servants.

Jesus used the practical things within their specific area of expertise.  When speaking to farmers, Jesus would use examples such as seed, planting, soil.  When He was speaking to fishermen, he would use fish, winds, and waves.

We must build by God’s prescribed order (Luke 4; Ephesians 4).  Most are placing greater emphasis on erecting buildings, but we are called to build people. 

We Are Called

We are called as a church, to complement each other, not to compromise or compete.  The gifts are given to build up the Kingdom that all will profit.  It is critical that every gift given must identify, nurture, and bring to maturity.  There are many Pastors who are crying to the Lord for resources; but we should not be like the politicians.  They have neglected to activate and empower the greatest resource they have – the people! (Isaiah 66) 

Furthermore, the calling of everyone who enters the Kingdom, must be identified; and they must be trained accordingly, nurtured, commissioned and sent.  Jesus makes it clear in His Word, that it is not about the number of persons that you have, but about helping each person to fulfill their purpose.

The Right Environment

We must create an environment for the saving of souls and the repentance of mankind.  The environment being created by many churches today is carnally centered.  Jesus is always about restoration to and reconciliation with the Father.  It is time for the Body of Christ to wake up, and begin to gather, guide, govern and send.  We are in the greatest season of harvest.