There Is a crisis brewing globally regarding Christians and the forcing of the vaccine. Christians are now being given the ultimatum that they must take both the flu vaccine as well as the vaccine for COVID-19 and also submitting to a COVID-19 Test.  They are using the term mandatory, and if not they will be without a job.  It has already begun.  Thousands of Christians are now losing their jobs.  We have seen religious rights being ignored by men.  This is a developing crisis in the Body of Christ and many Church leaders are ignoring this Crisis.  It is getting worse and it will also impact the spiritual and financial environment within the church.

As the Body of Christ, we have been focusing on the wrong areas.  I believe that by January 2022, there is going to be a global move to mandatory vaccining.  A vaccine should never be forced.  A person’s religious right should not be violated by mandatory vaccines.  Furthermore, Christians will need to make a choice as one wrong move can destroy their future.  It is critical for the Church to begin putting plans in place to deal with the fallout that will be taking place – which includes job loss.  Furthermore, the family and the Church will be affected.  The Real Estate Industry will be directly affected.

It is a shame that there are alternatives to the vaccine that will deal with the COVID-19, but the authorities have refused to endorse or validate the remedy.  For example, Revelation 22, Ezekiel 47: 12, and Genesis 2: 9 clearly offer to us the solutions for the healing of the nations.  Christians also have the Blood of Jesus and the gift of Healing as resources to bring the healing to the nations.


Pastors need to quickly begin teaching the people about the books of Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation, because it will hep the people to understand the Anti-Christ Spirit.  They also need to have a plan in place like the Book of Act, to help Christians that will be persecuted because of their decision against taking the vaccine.  By taking the vaccine, we may see the results of Revelation 16: 1 – 2 manifest – sores and skin disease and more will breakout upon those who take that vaccine as a sign of judgement upon those who take it, as the vaccine may very well be the mark of the beast.  It is said that with the nano particles in the vaccine, man will become like human antennas which will also be used for marketing and geo-marketing, and they will also contain important health information which will be in the hands of the authorities under the Anti-Christ agenda.  So, when they know all your details and health information, then things become dangerous.

It is interesting that the patent for the vaccine carries the number “060606” (666).  The activities of the individual will be monitored, and each person will be rewarded with cryptocurrency. A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that is secured by cryptography, which makes it nearly impossible to counterfeit or double-spend.

Every Christian needs to understand that we belong to The Most High God.  We were created in His image, and each of our DNA is unique to each one of us.  Whatever they would inject is to unlock and decode each person’s unique DNA information and manipulate and redesign our genetic makeup for their purpose.

When the is a patent for a product, then whoever holds the patent owns it and is entitled to anything that product becomes a part of – which means, if they own the patent, they own you.

What Should Christians Do

The main fact that Christians have started to lose their jobs based on their refusal to take the vaccine or be tested for COVID-19, is an indication that they need to start owning their own business quickly!  They cannot trust the political or business sectors to have our best interest at heart; we have to trust God.   Remember this, anything genetically modified has an owner.

God will use the Exodus of Christians that is ahead, to destroy the Babylonian system that currently exists.  (Revelation 18: 4)

God is about to deal with the merchants, the businesses and the rich, who believe they can move God out of the business and that they have the right to destroy the population.  When they try to force Christians out because they refuse to take the vaccine and other medication that go against the Christian beliefs, there will be a crash in the marketplace.

This is a wakeup call for every Christian and we must open our eyes, listen to the voice of the Lord and obey Him!