Never before have the Caribbean islands been so close to plunging over and into the economic, environmental and social precipice, and currently, are in danger of being dislocated.

For years the Caribbean region, and particularly the CARICOM nations, have been warned to get their proverbial house in order, and to have a plan for the region, in order to remain strong. However, they seem to miss the opportunities to do so, while continuing to make deals and covenants with nations who do not have the region’s best interests at heart.  They need to understand that most nations see us a banana republic – third world small people who are beggars and a strain on their “first world” economy.    Sadly, there are some within the Caribbean who want to achieve first world status by selling the birthright of the nation.

Further to this, it is utterly embarrassing to see our leaders in the region be reverted to salesmen, to sell products to our people which are only in their preliminary form; putting the lives of those in the region at great risk.

Caribbean leaders have become power-hungry and have allowed their pride, and arrogance to hinder the progress and success of the nation. 

With so many brilliant people coming out of the Caribbean region and institutions of higher learning.  The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the failures of our leadership within the region.  Many were begging for vaccines and handouts, when we have the opportunity to develop our own cure.

CARICOM came into being on July 4, 1973 with the signing of the Treaty of Chaguaramas by Prime Ministers Errol Barrow for Barbados, Forbes Burnham for Guyana, Michael Manley for Jamaica and Eric Williams for Trinidad and Tobago.

The Caribbean region has been blessed with good weather, natural resource – herbs, spices, beaches and the best water by far.  However, our strongest pillar is the faith of the people in God.  Unfortunately, we have allowed nations to capitalize on the laid back approach of our people. 

The Greatest Threat

The Caribbean region has some serious threats levied against it, including:

  • The new wave of communism rising
  • The science-driven approach to governance
  • The repackaging of colonialism
  • Population Control
  • Land Grabbing
  • Climate Change – potential tidal waves, tsunamis, cyclones, earthquakes and more;

and these threaten major areas within the region including:

  • Religious Rights
  • Parental Rights
  • Human Rights
  • The Nuclear Family
  • Migration
  • Refugee Protection

and many of these can lead to economic collapse and regional relocation.

Things To Think About

Implementation without Consideration will cause Global Dislocation.

Education without Spiritual Revelation will cause Suffocation

The Lord is reminding us that our Choices always carry good and bad consequences.  Our Choices can advance us or cause us to regress.  Choices must always be made after seeking God first.  (Matthew 6: 33).  Let us pray for Jamaica and all the Caribbean Islands, the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, and all the other G7 nations, that they will seek God to deal with the devastation that is coming.

Immediate Action Needed

Repentance stops dislocation and disaster.  Nation leaders in the Caribbean need to stop accepting monetary payouts and tell the people of their nations the truth.  Furthermore, they need to stop thinking about themselves only and think about the future of their people and the nation. 

  1. The spirit of the lord says the first thing is true repentance-everyone has to get their houses in order spiritually and naturally.
  • Declare state emergency once this happens
  • Before this happens, stockpile canned foods, water, wipes (of all kinds), toiletries, sanitizers [hand, clothing and kitchen], sheets, baby foods, baby wipes, towels, bath rags, ply board, baby diapers, toddler pull-ups, socks, undergarments, clothing, detergents, baby bottles, feminine napkins, adult diapers, and bath soaps.  Also stockpile rubbing alcohol, first aid kits, tooth brushes, tooth paste, water boots, rain coats, flash lights, lamps, garbage bags including commercial type bags, deodorants, cotton swabs, skin care creams, Q-tips, masks and gloves.
  • After this happens, relocation of those alive to other countries (USA and Canada] where possible.
  • There will need to be relocation of persons living in low lying and other flood-prone areas.

Peoples of the nations, keep stockpiling!