
Sex is a topic that a lot of people are afraid to talk about, but a part of the prosperity that God has for mankind is for married couples to enjoy good sex. God created natural things in the earth for mankind for sustenance of sex life. You don’t need to take drugs to spice up your sex life, neither do you need to use artificial stimulators or try X-rated stuff to spice up your sex life. There are many things the world made deceiving persons that it will enhance their sex life but it in turns destroy their sex lives and ultimately their relationships. Just as we commit our lives to God, we must ask God also to bless our sex lives. One does not have to try yoga, meditation or masturbation to spice up their sex life. There are many ways God can help married couples through difficult times in this area.

Understand that there are persons out there whether it is past lovers or persons who are envious or jealous of your marriage who will speak against your sex life because they know that if your sex life suffers it can bring frustration and pain and can lead to divorce. Sex in marriage is a good thing (Genesis 1: 27-28, Genesis 2: 24, Genesis 5: 18-19)

I Corinthians 7: 2 – 3 reveals to us that, God wants married couples to satisfy each other sexually.

I Corinthians 7: 5 reminds us, never deprive each other. It is up to you to ensure that you fulfill your sexual duties to your spouse without complain. Remember, good sex reduces stress. Declare the word of God over your life daily to satisfy each other sexually. Ensure that you always create the atmosphere before you have sex; romantic candles and music, it is not necessary at that time to play gospel music!

Hebrews 13: 4, stay away from immorality. Use consecrated olive oil and anoint your sexual areas daily and massage each other regularly.

Look out for those who want to destroy your marriage, watch out for all third party persons. Watch out for subtle dinner and lunch dates especially at the work place, and be careful in whom you confide.

Be careful of accepting gifts, these sometimes come with wrong motives. Always remember that the enemy is after Christian marriages and he hates a good marriage.

Foods That Can Stimulate Your Sex Life

Grapes, Apples, Melons, Banana, Pear
Chicken Soup and Cornmeal porridge
Pumpkin Seed
Fish, Barely, Pepper
Grape juice and Orange juice
Almond milk, Honey
Parsley, Cinnamon, Garlic, Ginger (God created these spices, to spice up your sex life)
Non-Alcoholic Wine

*Ensure that you take your sea bath regularly, the salt in the sea will do a lot for you.

Pray About Your Sex Life

Regardless of what you pray for on a daily basis, ensure that you unite and pray for your sex life. Pray this prayer:

Father, in the name of Jesus I thank you each day Lord that you will bless me in the area of sex. Give me the necessary stamina to fulfill my purpose within the bedroom. Help us to satisfy each other and give us stamina, drive, longevity and compassion for each other. Cover our sex life from attacks and every word spoken from third parties.

(Husband say) Let the breast of my wife satisfy me.
(Wife say) Let every touch of my husband satisfy me. Give him skill, tactic and strategies.

Let us only have desire for each other and help us to have patience with each other. Let there be purity in our sex life. Let us hunger for each other daily and let each time sex takes place we receive maximum satisfaction. Lord cover our minds from soul ties and close every portal in our lives that the enemy would use to attack our sex life, we thank you lord that you have blessed us in Jesus name amen.

Take Note:
Wives, remember always dress sexy for your husband
Husbands and Wives be sensitive to each other’s needs.