Time for Action

The US Elections have revealed the hearts and the state of God’s people. We are also seeing the focus of Christians today. We as Christians are to be the salt of the earth and we are the light that Jesus is depending on; but where is our discernment?

As Christians, our mouths must speak and declare life, light, change and that God will reign over all nations. That is why we must pray “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” each day; and in no way must we fight God’s will. Each time we come against God’s will we are coming against God Himself. There is no way – as a Christian – we should be declaring venom against any leader – especially on social network. (Jude 8 – 10) Michael, an archangel of the Lord, in addressing the devil on an issue, “… dared not bring against him (the devil) a reviling accusation, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” Michael could have been extremely disrespectful to the devil, but He maintained his respect, not necessarily for the devil, but more so as a representative of God and the Kingdom – and that is the key.

The behavior of the Christian community – including leaders, pastors and so on – makes one wonder, where is the Fruit of the Spirit in all of this?

As Christians, how can we speak about racism in others, when prejudices are so potent in the Church throughout this nation? For example, what do we call it when some church leaders do not socialize with other church leaders because they feel that those church leaders are below their level? What do we call it, when white Pastors get fired for attending functions at a black Church; or a black Pastor being shunned because he attended the function at a white church? What do we call it when the poor in the church are not permitted to sit up front and the seats up front are reserved for the wealthier ones in the congregation? What do you call it, when some pastors are afraid to acknowledge other pastors in public, but are willing to talk to them on the phone by night – like Nicodemus and Jesus?

We talk about racism, but we turn a blind eye to abortion and the murdering of our children at birth. Some think they are too good to physically go out where homeless or less fortunate children are and feed them. They would prefer to give $5 or less for somebody else to go and do it while they stop to fill their bellies with ribs and crabs legs for $50. Some boastfully drive SUVs, and have an extra vehicle parked at home, but would never consider donating that parked vehicle to a poorer church, or to a family that genuinely needs a vehicle.

Political Leaders

Regardless of the Party or Color, we as Christians are supposed to teach politicians and secular leaders the right things – the truth. Instead we oppose, cuss and compromise. But recognize that when we do that, we are responsible for their actions too.

Any laws that are passed, that come against Christian values, are against us also. We have to clean up ourselves – our mouths, our hearts and we have to understand that what is required of us is holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.”

Going to church, sitting in the front seat or on the Church Board does not make you a Christian. A Christian has to follow Christ and live by the principles of God. Much of the sin that is prevalent in the world started right in the Church.

As Christians, why are we not fasting? Why are we not praying – and praying for the will of God to be done? Why don’t we forgive? Who are we to tell God who to allow in authority; and when did we stop asking Him whom He wants to be in authority, or whom He does not want to be in authority, since He knows His own plans? Who are we to tell God not to forgive someone or not to use someone to fulfill His plans however He chooses? He can put in anyone He wants to, for any purpose, and any length of time He chooses.


There needs to be repentance. Pray that righteous men and women will surround leaders at all level so that:

1. All illegal immigrants who are peaceful get amnesty

2. Money will be given to rebuild the family

3. Affordable Healthcare will be provided for all who need it.

4. The Credit Score System can be revisited and revised so everyone has a real opportunity to own a home.

5. Gender inequality will no longer be an issue especially in terms of distribution of resources.

6. There will no longer be discrimination against Faith-based, Not-For-Profits and Churches that are assisting or empowering the communities.
We must pray that our Political leaders will not divert or depart from God, like Saul or King Uzziah, but instead seek God’s Divine guidance and listen to and obey His voice.

Grace and Peace to all.