
Given by the Lord through Apostle Steve Lyston, Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson, Pastor Michelle Lyston, Prophetess Nadra Brotherton, Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio, Prophet O. Onesto Jolly

  1. A massive drug scandal is looming over Jamaica. It will also involve other Caribbean islands and will expose other operations and cause widespread embarrassment to many. The Lord says stop that operation now, look to Him and repent – whoever you are; your family will suffer and you will lose your dignity.
  2. There will be great exposures coming for the Politicians who have been defrauding the people. Some will serve prison sentences for their crimes.
  3. Pray for the Anglican Church and the health of the head of the Anglican Church in Jamaica, his health and all the Anglican leadership in Jamaica. Pray also for Lisa Hanna, Olivia “Babsy” Grange, Horace Chang, Gordon “Butch” Stewart, The Vaz Family, Christopher Tufton, Audley Shaw, Peter Bunting, Devon Dick, Julian Robinson, Mark Golding, Peter Phillips, Delroy Chuck, Pearnell Charles Sr, K. D. Knight, Philip Paulwell, Tom Tavares-Finson, Kamina Johnson-Smith, and Andrew Holness.
  4. Pray that the government of Jamaica will not collapse before the time. Some will have to resign. Pray also regarding further in-fighting within the opposition that will cause further splits and resignations.
  5. Tax Administration Jamaica (Internal Revenue Department Jamaica) will carry out thorough investigations concerning some Politicians within both parties regarding taxation. Many will be exposed, particularly those oppressing the poor.
  6. JAMPRO – Jamaica Promotions Corporation is in trouble with its top-level managers – they no longer see eye-to-eye (dis-unity). Some are fighting for greater power and will do anything to attain it. This affects its original purpose/intent.
  7. The basic and primary schools need greater attention. There is the need to show these little children more love, more assistance with assignments that will help by setting up an After or Day Care Program that will allow them to be placed into higher levels of learning. The Spirit of the Lord says many of them are missing out of academically and spiritually at this level, and more can be done by teachers, parents and the church.
  8. The Law Enforcements JDF and JCF need to deploy more personnel because there will be increase in the number of drugs and levels violence within the nation.
  9. The potential soldiers and police need to be vetted before starting any training because some of them are counterfeit. The armed forces in Jamaica need to undergo more training for what is coming.
  10. There will be more celebrities worldwide who will visit Jamaica for its rich heritage, but our people must be vigilant.
  11. Something good is going to happen in the parish of Trelawny regarding Tourism, as the people rise up in Trelawny there will be a great change.
  12. As the people rise up in Hellshire and Port Royal and expand on their fish businesses, great blessing will come to those within Hellshire and Port Royal – diets are going to change to eat much more fish.
  13. The Sliding of the Dollar needs to be curtailed by the Government with urgency, because this will help to make the economy better. This will also allow more tourist within the country, as well as being an invitation for more outsiders to do business within the nation. Black Marketing is crushing the economy and should be totally eradicated.
  14. The Spirit of the Lord says the interest rate on Certificates of Deposit, regular checking and also on savings accounts need to be increased in all Banks.
  15. The Health Insurance Industry have not been giving genuine assistance to the people. Some people have passed on because they had very little coverage to take care of medical bills. Some Life Insurance Companies will also close down because their policies have not assisted with funeral arrangements as they proposed.
  16. Bring back the JAMAL concept to Jamaica particularly for people in the streets who need the attention. The Lord says that it is time to break the cycle. It will help the children on the streets in particular.
  17. A hidden and delicate document in Jamaica will be exposed. This has to do with finance surrounding both politicians and the private sector. Someone will fly the lid and expose it. It may cause death, but it will free the nation. The Lord says His people need to pray. The Lord says that what we are looking at is not what we are seeing, pray!
  18. Most of the foods we are getting in the nation are contaminated and poisoned. We need to ask the Lord to consecrate the food within the nation. Ask Him also to consecrate the earth. There are chemicals released in the earth and in the water and also in the air and this releases many sicknesses.
  19. The Jamaican Athletes for the 2020 Olympics need to be on high alert concerning their eating habits. There will be plots to bring them down. It is vital for each of them to safeguard their personal belongings and stay together as a group.
  20. The Jamaican government needs to have low income homes built for the homeless, especially families, and proper provision of healthcare for them that will assist them to receive medical care.
  21. The Spirit of the Lord says He is about to expose the oppressors of the poor and deal with them because He has seen the tears and the depression of the people, and as such many have become suicidal.
  22. The hospitals in Jamaica need more medical equipment, especially for the treatment of cancer and other known diseases. Otherwise there are greater problems ahead and more people will die.
  23. There are many businesses within the Plazas that will be closed because they are no longer able to survive with increased monthly rentals to pay. Pray for small business. Three major companies will also be closing down in Jamaica.
  24. We must be careful as a nation as we advertise that “Jamaica is open for business to all!” This will create great problems ahead, particularly regarding national security. It will also create the environment for a web of espionage and a myriad of problems for the nation. Sovereignty at stake. Watchmen will be watching watchmen. It may also open the door for sanctions to be levied.
  25. The Spirit of the Lord needs the Nation Leaders to truly repent and come before HIM with right motives to change and be willing to do as HE instructs them to.
  26. The Spirit of the Lord says University and College students need to be given grace periods for the repayment of their student loans. If that is not done, more students will drop out and bring more stress to the nation.
  27. The Spirit of the Lord says most of the Watchmen within the Nation are sleeping, and it is time for them to arise from their slumber to fast, watch, pray and sound the alarm.
  28. Both Jamaica political parties are handing out guns, bicycles, chicken backs and rice in preparation for votes in the next election.
  29. There is a major change coming for the banking industry within Jamaica. Other countries will set up their banks and they will not favor Jamaican workers.
  30. Pray for all leaders and Members of Parliament in Jamaica as well as the Senate. There is infiltration in the land and it is unknown. Calling holy and consecrated men and women of God to come into parliament and break the curses that are causing the problem in the land and that God can give guidance without a vision, the people perish! God will reveal all secrets -nothing hidden! Jamaica for Jesus!

The Prophecies given are for 2020 onward. God can choose to hold His hand back from any form of judgement pending, subject to the repentance of nations and individuals. Jonah 3: 5—10; Exodus 32: 14; Jeremiah 18: 7—11; Amos 7: 3—6; II Kings 20: 1—11 and I Corinthians 13: 9. Please remember, God does whatever He pleases (Psalm 135: 6; Psalm 115: 3). He changes Times and Seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings (Daniel 1: 20—23).
