Prophet Passion Java vs. Prophet Shepherd Bushiri

By: Apostle Dr. Steve Lyston

November 4, 2019

The recent prophetic pronouncements and counter-pronouncements of Prophet Passion Java and Prophet Shepherd Bushiri, have opened the door to confusion, controversy and division in the church particularly in the African region.  Other prophets have joined in the throng to make their pronouncements in defense of their favorite prophet.

This event has brought into focus the urgent teaching the Body of Christ needs especially regarding the Prophetic Ministry.  Many prophets globally, have even elevated themselves above sound doctrine, protocol and even the written Word of God, not to mention the operations of the Holy Spirit.

I am not hear to take sides, but to teach the Body of Christ about the protocols and the pitfalls we should avoid.  Everything we do in the Body of Christ must give the Lord glory, and as such prophetic utterances must bring the glory of God not glory to man.

Measure the Prophetic Utterance Scripturally

Every revelation or prophetic word must be measured with the Word of God. 

  1. Prophetic Words must be judged by two (2) or three (3).  1 Chronicles 14: 29 says, “Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others judge.”
  • We must test the spirits to see if it is God, the flesh or the devil.  1 John 4: 1 reminds us, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”
  • Personal prophecies are often given with conditions.  They are also given to edify, exhort and comfort.  1 Corinthians 14: 3 says, “But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men”
  • Prophetic words must be given with wisdom, grace and there must always a window for repentance.
  • The receiver must receive with humility and test according to Scripture, to see whether or not the word is true.  Furthermore, the receive should check the fruit of the giver.  For example, find out if they are walking in integrity, are walking under a covering and so on.

We also see in Scripture where the prophet Isaiah in 2 Kings 20, delivered a word to King Hezekiah to get his house in order because he was going to die.

Humility Required

The king received the word in humility and he wept before God for grace and mercy.  He never allowed pride or arrogance, nor did he hit back against the prophet Isaiah.  In Scripture, anyone who would cry to God for mercy and compassion, God always answers favorably.  God added fifteen (15) years to King Hezekiah’s life.  He recovered from the illness and it is a powerful picture of how God always answers favorably when we cry out to him.  Although Hezekiah may have squandered the fifteen (15) years God gave him by exposing all the secrets to the Babylonians and caused subsequent generations to suffer.

The Gift of Prophecy

Prophetic words are serious words.  The gift of prophecy may be misunderstood by many because of the abuse and manipulation for which many use it.  Yet, 1 Corinthians 12: 6 – 7 reminds us, “And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all.  But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all:”

What has been happening is that some have been utilizing this gift for fame and popularity to draw people to themselves, but not to reach the souls and win them to the Lord.  Many are focusing on accuracy will they ignore the Fruit of Spirit.  We are now hearing of terms that are not Scriptural such as “Forensic Prophet”.  I am still searching for the Scriptural reference and I cannot find it. 

What Should Take Place

Let us say you are a prophet and while you are in prayer God shows you that another prophet or servant is going to die.  The first thing to do is to seek God for further clarity to see if it means spiritual death or physical death.  Then, with great wisdom and Divine Guidance, we try to contact the person – whether by email, mail, or phone call if possible.

If it is impossible for you to get to them, you can say “Pray against untimely death.”   You give the word in humility, not pride or arrogance.  Likewise, the receive ought to receive in humility.  The receiver should in no way look at the status of the messenger, or judge by fame, number of members in their congregation.  God can use anyone to carry a message, including a donkey!  He does whatever He pleases.

What if the devil wants to bring an illness or an airplane accident, or an accident of any kind?  If they are too busy to listen, then what would happen.  In writing this, the Lord reminded me of Myles Munroe.  Could his death have been prevented?  Were the watchmen at their posts?

Giving and receiving prophetic words should never be about who is more popular and who is more correct.  Furthermore, the Body of Christ should not be distracted, but maintain focus on Christ, because He is cleansing the prophetic.  We should never forget 2 Peter 1: 16 – 20.

No one should be declaring curses, but instead everyone should be in a season of repentance, preparing for 2020 and its harvest.

The Lord told us in 2018, that there would be a purging within the prophets of the African continent because He has given them much favor, but He has not gotten the glory!  Many will be targeted and investigated for money laundering.

Recognize that, when one part of the Body of Christ suffers, we all suffer.  There will be no winner when our focus is on who is more accurate or popular among the people.  We need to draw close to God and He will draw close to us.