

There is a great fight globally for political power. Even those who have failed badly are fighting for dear life to stay in power! Over the years successive leaders have made promises and many of them were simply not kept. A total generation of youth have been robbed of their inheritance! Hopelessness has crept in, while many are fighting to leave a political legacy. While many want to bring change, real change can only come when the strongholds over the minds of the people are pulled down or broken!

We cannot bring change by using physical methods or strategies. Neither can winning an election – by fair means or foul – bring true change! Carnal weapons consist of those which are man-made devices which are philosophic strongholds! Fear, deception, lies, reverse psychology, intimidation and manipulation (especially of the language) are some of these devices. Every effort man makes external to the Cross will bring failure!

When we utilize the principle of Christ to bring down strongholds, the Holy Spirit will bring victory! Carnal and worldly weapons will not do it. Weapons empowered by God are what bring changes.

Strongholds are first established in the mind and behind every stronghold there is a lie and behind every lie there is fear; behind every fear there is an idol! Idols are established whenever there exists a failure to trust in the provision of God which are ours through Jesus Christ.

Some of the weapons that bring down strongholds are:

God’s Word – Hebrews 4: 12 – 13

The Blood of Jesus – Revelation 12: 11

The Name of Jesus – Mark 16: 17

Praise and Worship\t- II Chronicles 20: 20 – 30

Fasting – Ezra 8: 21 / Ezra 9: 5

Repentance – Joel 1 & 2

Weeping and Wailing\t – II Chronicles 7: 14

Strongholds must be confronted and pulled down. (Ephesians 6: 13 – 18 & Jeremiah 1: 5)

After the Children of Israel were delivered by God through Moses from oppression and bondage, it was strongholds that caused them to once again desire Egypt and the things of Egypt. It was strongholds that caused them to use the very thing that should keep them out of debt in the Land of Promise, that they used to create the idol they chose to worship.

When people sell their votes or vote based on mere benefits and food, it is the result of strongholds! Esau sold and thus lost his birthright because he gave in to his temporary situation for a plate of food!
Leaders Must Inquire

Hopelessness, Crime, Fear, Failure, Violence, Unemployment, Immorality, the killing of our children, the famine cannot be dealt with by simply using man’s intellect!

If any leader wants to deal with the above issues, as David did in II Samuel 21: 1 – 14, then they must be bold enough, as David was, to inquire of the Lord. They must be willing to face the truth and call a time of repentance.

Which leader is bold enough to call a time of repentance and actually repent not just for the nation but also for the mistakes of past Administrations on all sides.

When we find that leader, then we will see change!
If any leader or nation wants to experience peace, or they desire to see change within, or get political victory, then it means that things must be done God’s way! One can also victory by using the wrong methods; but what are the consequences? Wrong methods always brings severe consequences!

Any leader who is willing to genuinely call upon God will be assured of victory! They don’t even have to fight in the battle, God will raise up someone around them who will take the giants down!

There is no such thing as a one man army!
Diverting From God’s Word Brings Problems

God is the Master of Tactics and Strategies! He is the Ultimate Strategist and One of Immense Wisdom and Knowledge! As such, simply relying on human brain power to resolve matters and bring change is simply unwise!

We must remember that excluding God keeps the solutions we need at bay! We must be willing to consult the ultimate strategist! God.