By: Apostle Steve Lyston

1. Always strive for true liberty! Only when you have true liberty will you be able to fulfill your purpose. The system of the world is designed to enrich just a few.

2. God never called His people to follow the way of the way of the world, but to His Kingdom ways and principles. Remember we are called and set apart.

3. You are not free when you are controlled by huge debt and high interest rates, nor when you are living in a rental.

4. You are not free when your schedule is controlled by a clock – so much so that you cannot even spend time in the Presence of God. God wants us to own our own businesses. There are many visions and ideas within you that need to come out.

5. You are not free when you talents, ideas and creativity are subject to the world’s ways. Many people have ideas but the world wants to censor and regulate you and those ideas.

6. You are not free when the very day God has given you to rest and Worship Him is legislatively being taken from you and you are made to work on such a day.

7. You are not free if you cannot even mention the name of God where you work or study; the very God who gives you health, the power to get wealth, ideas, and creativity to make super-profit. That is why we need to own our own businesses.

8. You are not free if you are controlled by your credit score and market conditions.

Remember, the blessings of the Lord makes us rich and He adds no sorrow to it! It is time for you to go and get your dream home, start your business, put ideas on paper, clean up your credit, join a credit union, invest in the Kingdom (of God), read the Bible for Biblical Principles – for example, get books about Biblical Principles. (For example – Man, Money, Ministry; The New Millionaire)
