By: Apostle Steve Lyston


Without a doubt, the prophetic word for this season is that Light and Darkness cannot coexist. 1 Peter 2: 9 reminds us, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;”


Globally, and even more visibly within the United States of America, it is clear that the enemy wants to have light and darkness dwelling together, and sadly, Christians are buying into this “ideal”.  However, it is impossible for light to dwell with darkness and all things remain equal. God made light and darkness, but He separated both so we either walk in light or darkness.


Light represents truth, illumination, knowledge, the Word of God, direction and the Presence of God.  Darkness, on the other hand, represents, a lack of light, lack of spiritual direction, blindness, sin, untruth and no direction.  Unfortunately, more are now walking in darkness than they are in light. (John 3: 19)


We must walk as children of Light.  As children of God we must not walk in darkness.  (Ephesians 5: 18) The first keys of every Christian is to discern the difference between light and darkness, clean and unclean.  We cannot be Christians and promote the things of darkness. If you can’t discern between light and darkness, then you stand to be deceived and swept away.  


Most Christians don’t know God’s will because they don’t know God’s ways.  Jesus is the Light of the World and true believers will not walk in darkness.  There is no way darkness must overtake light. (John 1: 5) There are children of light that are working for and supporting children of darkness.  The children of darkness have taken over influential positions in the society with the endorsement of the children of light. 2 Corinthians 6: 14 reminds us that light should not even fellowship or get into covenant with the children of darkness.  Righteousness cannot be in partnership with lawlessness. We are light and we must shine in in the darkness. According to Acts 26: 18, only when the eyes of the people open will they turn from the power of Satan and unto God.


From the beginning, God separated light from darkness and there are many children of light that are mixing in the things of darkness and believe that God has sanctioned it, and only when we start walking in light will we begin to see global change, good leadership, revival and reformation.  So it is time to separate light from darkness. (1 Thessalonians 5: 5) Walking in darkness will bring disaster. So I declare light in every darkness. The Word of the Lord.