By: Apostle Steve Lyston

The world is abuzz with the recent fire at Notre Dame, one of the most globally-significant happenings in recent days; and many leaders worldwide are practically astounded at what has happened. Some are mourning, some devastated, some have even lost focus and are utterly bewildered at how such a tragedy could happen to Notre Dame.

According to an article in the Washington Post entitled “The Fire At Notre Dame, A Catholic Icon, Was Made Even More Heartbreaking By The Timing”, Notre Dame is “A symbol of Paris, a triumph of Gothic architecture and one of the most visited monuments in the world, the Cathedral of Notre Dame is a beloved icon for millions across the globe. But for many in this largely Catholic country, especially for the most faithful, the medieval masterpiece is a sacred space that serves as the spiritual, as well as the cultural, heart of France.” They further said, “About 700 years of history were just lost in one day.”

Several days ago, the Lord showed me, in the Spiritual realm the headline of several newspapers saying “HELLFIRE” and “THE BURNING HELL” and I shared what the Lord showed me with several persons – even on the radio.

Furthermore, in 2018, prophecies were published in The Gleaner (Jamaica) dated Wednesday January 3, 2018 and the first two (2) prophetic words were these “1. Globally, things will become so serious that even famous and historical landmarks will be utterly destroyed. So if people don’t change the way they think and operate, we will see that the suicide rate will increase to a level we have never seen before. Watch the Taj Mahal and other historic and protected places globally. Some of these happenings will be frightening. The Lord is going to visit the temple monks as a sign that Jesus is coming. (2.) Focus on Revelation 5, Revelation 8, and Revelation 18. We are going to see a lot of problems with the cosmos (cosmic convulsions) similar to Exodus 10: 21 – as a sign of God’s displeasure in the earth. There will be a lot of activity on/with the sun, and scientists will have their hands full. There will be problems with vegetation as well as volcanic eruptions, increase of earthquakes in diverse places, and serious problems with marine life. May fish will die and there will be great pollution. Meteors will fall and there will be increased testing of weapons in the sea. (Joel 2: 30 – 32, Jeremiah 9: 15 – 23). All these things will affect crop, property, and life. We will be seeing greater flooding, more bloodshed, and pestilence.”

The Lord said all these things would happen as a sign of His coming. He also said we should focus on Revelation 5: 18, but we must focus more on Revelation 18 than other Scriptures at this time. Revelation 18 depicts exactly what is taking place. It speaks about the fall of Babylon the Great. Revelation 18: 8 says, “Therefore her plagues will come in one day—death and mourning and famine. And she will be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who judges her. “The kings of the earth who committed fornication and lived luxuriously with her will weep and lament for her, when they see the smoke of her burning, standing at a distance for fear of her torment, saying, ‘Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour your judgment has come.’ “And the merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her, for no one buys their merchandise anymore:” Read the entire Scripture and you will begin to get the picture. Revelation 5 and Revelation 8 also speak to us of certain prophetic thing that will take place – thunder, earthquakes, lightening and great mountains burning with fire. High rise buildings some of which are landmarks, will be burning with fire. Meteorites will fall some will destroy marine life and marine commerce. Fresh water will also be polluted which will trigger a global famine. Because of the sins of mankind that have been poisoning and polluting the globe, we will begin to see cosmic convulsion similar to the nine (9) plagues in Exodus 10: 21. (See also Jeremiah 9: 15 & Jeremiah 23: 15). While the world focuses on worshipping buildings, rituals, and idols, the suffering and injustice of the poor continues. Meanwhile, the saints are crying out for God to intervene.

God Does Not Dwell In Buildings

It is critical for us to know that God does not dwell in buildings nor in the works of man’s hands. Isaiah 66: 1 – 3 outlines that true worship takes place within the temple of the Holy Spirit, which is man. God’s plan is to live in us, not in the buildings we make. (Acts 7)

God denounces all religious rituals not accompanied by reverence for Him, justice and sincerity. Hearts must align with lips. There are many beautiful temples built globally, but are void of the Holy Spirit. Many will spend billions on buildings, while millions go without food. They use these buildings for religious rituals rather than relationship-building with God. They use these edifices for sight-seeing, increasing property value for real estate, and for tourism. They eventually become a stronghold that has many in bondage.

God wants true worship – true faith. Everything God did not plant will be uprooted in this present age. Anything not glorifying God, He is now judging. We will see several other buildings that are being used as historical landmarks be shaken. Surprisingly, millions were immediately given to rebuild it – even before the fires were out.

There are many from other religions who may rejoice, but remember that the Church is not a building, but a body of believers with a specific nature and purpose. The focus of Jesus is not to erect buildings and shrines, but to build and empower people.

The signs times are evident and we can no longer ignore them. We are now seeing according to Revelation 5 and Revelation 8 , the lamb taking the scroll, the seals and the prelude to the seven trumpets beginning to manifest.