The Word of the Lord for the Quarter July – September 2019

By: Apostle Steve Lyston
Times and seasons are critical – we are seeing a new season about to emerge.
Everything will be stirring – from the weather pattern, administrations, businesses,
finance, science, churches, agriculture, aquaculture – every sector.
Isaiah 19: 2 says, “I will set Egyptians against Egyptians; everyone will fight against his
brother, and everyone against his neighbor, city against city, kingdom against kingdom.”
Furthermore, Jeremiah 50: 9 says, “For behold, I will raise and cause to come up
against Babylon an assembly of great nations from the north country, and they shall
array themselves against her; from there she shall be captured. Their arrows shall be
like those of an expert warrior; none shall return in vain.” (See also Jeremiah 51: 1)
Stir means “to move, to shake to agitate, to change the position slightly or to displace; to
arouse from sleep; to put oneself one’s limbs into motion or activity; movement and
mobility; to be active; to awaken.” Things begin to come to life during a stir. Another
definition for stir is “to move away from customary or unusual place or position.”
The stir is causing strange and unpredictable weather patterns. The stir brings
excitement for some and sadness for others. From it comes the word commotion.
Stir brings different movements – the top goes to the bottom and the bottom goes to the
top. Promotion comes during the stirring. When the times and seasons changed and
king Nebuchadnezzar summoned all his advisors, and required of them the
interpretation of his dreams they failed. Their failure brought on his wrath and ultimate
decision to kill those who failed, this was a stir taking place.
We have seen many advisors surround the king, and many advisors are under a
covering which is not of God and are tapping into sources that are not of God. God is
about to stir so that the true Daniels can come forth.
A stir has to happen in order to bring to life that which is dormant or hidden. During an
earthquake, for example, sometimes the ground opens, water, gas or steam may
sometimes shoot out; so it reveals what was hidden beneath the earth and oftentimes
releases the pressure that has built up beneath the surface. Depending on where the
stirring takes place, a whirlpool or vortex could result.
Within the sleeping church, many will be awakened! Some that have been given
spiritual gifts but have not put them to use, God is about to stir them (2 Timothy 1).

The stirring that will happen will be God’s way of shaking up things. Politicians will be
stirred up against politicians for global change. God is not a respecter of persons. He
will stir in order to accomplish His will – and help the poor, the fatherless, and the
God will stir up the remnant to begin reaping the harvest. There will be a great harvest.
God is already preparing the provision and the equipment for the remnant to begin to
put on. (Zechariah 4: 1 & 6 – 10). God will pour out new wine and rise up a people to
Many have taken God’s work for granted, and because of that there are many of God’s
servants who have become discouraged in rebuilding His temple. This next stirring will
remove the mountain and the hindrances coming against His will. The Spirit of Grace
and Supplication will be poured out – however, not by might, nor by power, but by His
Spirit will we rebuild.
There is a sound in the realm of the Spirit! Can you hear that sound! Those who are
connected will hear the sound and will be stirred into action. God will stir us, for the
stirring that will take place – global disasters will increase. Many are crying out for
justice. God will stir it!
Just get ready for a shift like we have never seen before. Get ready for the return of the
backsliders! Get ready for the eleventh-hour workers! Resources will come from
unknown places, for the work God has called us to do. God is calling His people into a
time of intercession and consecration. The drums of war are beating!
Take heed to His Word in Jeremiah 23: 17, Ezekiel 32: 2 and 13; Zechariah 9: 13 and 2
Samuel 5: 24.

The Prophetic Word

  1. Pray for England and all the British Airways aircraft. Pray for all the airlines
    globally. Pray for all those who want to give up. But don’t just pray – extend a
    helping hand to those who need. You never know when the coin may flip. Those
    you see as nobody today, may be a king or queen tomorrow.
  2. Pray for the following:
     USA President
     Prime Minister of Jamaica
     Prime Minister of India
     Former Vice President Joe Biden
     Rudy Giuliani and
     New York (especially Manhattan)
     All Fivefold Leaders
  3. All eyes will be on Russia – pray against military conflict.