Never before have the Caribbean islands been so close to plunging over and into the economic, environmental and social precipice, and currently, are in danger of being dislocated. For years the Caribbean region, and particularly the CARICOM nations, have been warned to get their proverbial house in order, and to…
Everything today is market-driven. Decisions are made based on the needs of the market. Abortion and immorality are now in great demand. Abortion negatively affects business. If population decreases so will demand for goods and services, including real estate, loans, clothing, food, medical services and vehicles; thus population and demand…
There is no doubt that the enemy always utilizes events to implement systems for their advantage. During the pandemic, the Lord told me that they will want to implement online and cashless systems on the premise that it is safer. The Lord also showed me that they would be ceasing…
Since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic there have been, and continue to be, severe financial challenges. Many have lost their jobs resulting in high levels of unemployment and the disappearance of their salaries. Meanwhile, the prices of food and other basic necessities continue to increase. Overall, the cost of…
The COVID-19 pandemic with the lack of solutions and lack of leadership at the global level has exposed to us that there needs to be new wine. Many over the decades have spent more time seeking the wisdom of the world, while ignoring the Presence of God; hence the problem…
We have heard much talk lately about an economic reset, and many have weighed inabout its potential for a fresh start. However, we must recognize and accept that whenthere is a “global reset” EVERYTHING is reset! So, priorities and desires will change.In fact, the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres has…
We are living in a time where men are under constant attack, and it iscritical for men to have the right partner to stand with them to bringbalance. No man or woman is perfect – perfecting is a process. Manywomen today would will more readily curse their men rather than…
It is critical for us to scrutinize all sources of information that arebecoming a part of the education process. If one source ofinformation is flawed or deceptive, and lack foundational truths,what kind of society are we developing. In using the uncleanness, lies and backward-thinking as thefoundation for educating our society…
STEVE LYSTON| RED FLAGS FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE With the continuous spotlight on Domestic Violence, and the laws being proposed toaddress the situation, recognize that unless we are completely truthful about this issue,we are simply playing politics and going around the proverbial mulberry bush.Many times, blame is levied on the church…
We have seen many things happening throughout nations. Nations areshaking, and many in positions of influence are attempting to fix theproblem without getting to the root of the situation. This creates moredeception and oppression. The number one element creating much of theglobal problems being faced is Mammon. MammonJesus teaches that…