
Utilizing authority and power given to an individual, government, organization or group at any level is a serious matter. Locally and globally, authority at every level will be under scrutiny, particularly in the years ahead. Authority is given for the betterment of humanity and should be used accordingly. Many of the negative things happening here and overseas is the result of the abuse of authority.

Not everyone can handle authority they have been given. For some, the moment authority has been released to them, a beastly attitude takes over. However, God always has the remedy for that. Nebuchadnezzar is quite the example. When he became king, he became arrogant and beastly. As such, God punished him by causing him to go into the field to eat grass like a beast.

While some measure of authority can be given by the devil, his reward is false power and false glory, which makes him a pseudo ruler over the World. (John 12: 31; II Corinthians 4: 4) His authority is limited. All authority is given to Jesus who has the final say in the things that happen in heaven and on earth, including Spiritual Forces, Man, Government – everything! He dispossesses human events; he controls hearts and opinions!

There are many leaders in various sectors using their authority to oppress, manipulate, block or hinder others. Some are even using their money to enslave the poor, while they believe they are invincible and cannot be removed! However each one must remember that God is the one who promotes and He will demote! He will lift up and put down any authority deemed arrogant! He will deal with pride and promote those who walk in humility.

While the poor dies of hunger, many who have authority are now networking others of like mind who waste the resources and are distributing among each other – using it to do evil. Some will even kill to maintain that lifestyle.

The role of leadership is to influence and motivate the people to do good – bringing out their true potential – using their authority and power to stand up for the poor, the fatherless and the widow. Today, many of them only scoff at the poor or simply pretend they care, while they watch the homeless die in the streets! Many are even trying to pass unjust laws to extend their thrones! Only God has the power to do that.

The institution of human government was established by God for the regulation of human affairs which includes protecting its citizens while promoting peace and justice for all. (Romans 13: 1 – 7)

Authority is the right given to a manager to achieve the objectives of an organization; the right to give orders and get things done as well as to make decisions and give approval. While a person can be in a position, know that you can have authority but no power.

A person should never take a job if they are not given the authority to exercise power that comes with that job. Too many times, when things go awry, do we then hear “I have no power, there’s nothing I can do about it!” Question is, why stay in that position?

If you are given authority but fail to use the power to bring correction in order to do good – even to discipline a staff member when they abuse their authority – then God will remove your authority!

There are times you have to say or do difficult things as a leader to achieve change. Christians in particular, must understand authority. The moment you become a Christ becomes our ‘boss’ and has all legal rights over us. The Bible is our official rule book to govern our lives – not Karma or Yoga. (II Timothy 3: 16)

When people are seeking authority and power, they need to ponder a few things.

Are they doing it to become rich?
Are they doing it for career longevity?
Are they doing it to promote lobby group agendas?
Are they doing it because their bank balance is running low?
Are they doing it for attention and accolades?
Are they genuinely desirous of seeing people’s lives truly improve?

I Timothy 2: 1 – 2 reminds us, “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.”

We pray for every authority – Church, political, Civil, business, health, media and security – to see that they exercise their authority to the Glory of God!