


The hour is at hand, but what takes place after the elections is critical. There can be only one winner, so one way or the other, there are many who will be devastated – depending on who wins. God will use this election to usher in His will! He can use anyone! It is not about the messenger, it is about the message! The message is greater than messenger!

In the Bible, the Lord used many leaders – many kinds of leaders – based on the Times and Seasons. For example, He used Jezebel and Ahab, Nebuchadnezzar, Uzziah and even Ahasuerus – the Persian (Iranian) King who married Esther. Each leader is raised up according to what was happening in that Time and Season, and based on the enemy of that season that needed to be confronted. He will also raise up leaders to put His people in line, to help make them ready for the rapture! God will also allow His people to get into captivity to allow them to know that He is first and foremost.

Even if there is corruption, no one can rise to power unless God allows it. He rules in the affairs of men. When God raised up Esther, the favor that was given to her was to save His people and to destroy the plans of Haman, who ultimately hung at the same gallows he set for one of God’s servants – Mordecai! God is always ahead of the enemy and the plans of the enemy. Furthermore, He has to ensure that His people who are faithful receive their honor and reward.

Haman was attempting to hinder Mordecai and carried out extreme sabotage and defamation of character. He lied!

Many of us who have been faithful, have been hindered, sabotaged and dishonored! So there are times there has to be a shift and shake or a changing of the guard, that is, a wealth transfer.

The Church

Regardless of who wins the true church doesn’t have to worry!

In famine Joseph rose to power
In captivity Daniel rose to power
In flood the Ark began to sail.
In darkness the true light shines!
When Saul failed to take out the Philistines (ISIS), David rose to power!
When Eli compromised and failed, Samuel rose to take his place.
In famine and starvation, Gideon rose to power.
Even in captivity, God told Jeremiah to invest in Real Estate!
When change is going to come, there is always a wind that is blown! The Bible speaks of the ‘wind’, even of the four (4) winds; and the wind symbolizes either judgement or blessing. (Jeremiah 22: 22 – 23)

The ‘four winds’ are used principally to describe all of earth and heaven. (Jeremiah 49: 36 – 39; Matthew 24: 31) Jesus also referred to the great eschatological tribulation and His return. He uses vivid, prophetic, symbolic language to describe His return.

This election has to do with ushering God’s return. The focus will be on Israel and the Church.
The Difference Between the Two Candidates

The difference between the two (2) Candidates is who will bow to the enemy and who will resist the enemy! It is either going to be a yielding to the Anti-Christ or a yielding to the Will of God.

Zachariah 6: 5; Zachariah 1: 10 – There is a wind blowing – the Holy Spirit is scanning throughout the earth. Regardless of who wins, the wind that is blowing will shake the globe. In this new paradigm shift, which is also to get God’s people ready, we are going to see a lot of unusual events taking place globally. Leaders will have to make their allegiance known, whether good or bad. It is not business as usual.

I believe the sealing of the Church is taking place in order that they may survive the terror associated with the Day of Wrath and the things ahead. (Revelation 7)

The Wind is a Move of the Spirit of God, wherein many will not easily understand what is going on. We must also remember that for every Wind of God that blows throughout the earth, there is always a contrary wind – which is the enemy at work – attempting to stop the move of God.

There are the West Wind, North Wind, South Wind and East Wind. The West Wind brings dark clouds before a change. Then a burst of rain comes to end the drought. (I Kings 18: 44; Luke 12: 54)

The North and South Winds represent various influences from different quarters, and flow gently over the garden, and calls forth a fragrance and fruit. However, spice does not flow out unless under extreme pressure – cold or heat – which speaks of the great tribulation which will bring Israel to Christ. (Matthew 24: 21)

Additionally, the North Wind is usually a strong continuous wind which drives away rain. (Proverbs 25: 23)
The East Wind is the most dangerous wind to blow. It will shake a nation. It is the same wind that part the Red Sea and freed the children of Israel. If t blows, there will be devastation and administrative change! It will bring both purging, correction and destruction. It will destroy the enemy of God. It is the same wind that caused the shipwreck that Paul was on.

Let us pray that the right wind blows.