
We are seeing the Bible being fulfilled globally right before our eyes; and for all those who don’t believe in the Bible, how do you explain the revelation of Daniel that is being fulfilled right now? The missing plane has been a mystery to many and the problems with Russia, the Ukraine and the West are significant, but none of it is surprising to God’s people who are watching.

Many of the problems the world is now experiencing is as a result of the rejection of God’s Word, His principles and His precepts. The West needs to get back on the path of righteousness. We need to rebuild nations (Psalm 127: 1), the Economy and God’s precepts and principles. Also, it will be very critical for nations to seek God’s servants in the areas of external and internal security – just as in II Kings 6. The enemies are now changing their strategies and are now protected with demonic forces to help them to carry out their activities, unless the authorities embrace God’s people, they will be blind to some of the things that are happening, particularly in the area of security. We need Christians in every sector to help nations from crumbling under what is coming.

Will the events happening in the Ukraine be the beginning of world dominion by Russia and China?
Will we see most countries, particularly third World countries, begin to swing to those countries because of the unfair immorality agenda that the West was pushing?
Isn’t it time for the West to begin reviewing their foreign policies and also with how they treat/deal with Third World Nations.
Why should the USA be reducing their army when they should be building it?
Shouldn’t the USA now begin to reach out to the smaller countries that they have been neglecting all along?
Shouldn’t the USA start rebuilding their Space Program?
Can the USA trust some of the countries in the Middle East?

LET US PRAY FOR CAMBODIA! Pray concerning a tsunami that may hit them hard. Pray for the families in Cambodia
Pray for all the Caribbean countries and Africa and against deception that may sweep them off their feet.