
As we draw closer to the last quarter of 2015, we are entering the tenth month of the Calendar year but the middle of the first year on the Jewish Calendar. The number 10 is prophetically significant as it is the number of law; the number of Tithe and we also see that plagues were inflicted upon the Egyptians in Exodus 7: 12. The Jews observe the annual 10 days of repentance beginning on Rosh Hashanah.
Matthew 25 speaks to us of the 10 virgins – 5 wise and 5 foolish. I believe prophetically many are falling away, and this is the time that all of God’s people must be on the watch. We cannot be like the 5 foolish! During this quarter, we will see more clearly the plans of the anti-Christ. We are already seeing nations competing for other nations to join with them in order to fulfill the anti-Christ agenda.

We will see more visibly the ten (10) nations spoken of in the Bible, directing ‘traffic’ and the overall mandate of the anti-Christ especially in the areas of Security, Economics and Immorality.

More Churches will show their true colors as they fall away in Apostasy.
Look out for more disasters and exposures!

But despite all that is happening, The Church needs to unite now more than ever – especially the remnant.

Church Leaders and Christian businesses cannot allow the filth of the world to cause them to compromise for status or un-Godly Covenants.

All eyes will be on the Local Churches. They must rise up – take back the communities and rebuild the altars through prayer!

Those that have been faithful, get ready for an overflow! The impossible will become possible. The rejected will become the Chief cornerstone. Promotion! Get ready for a new sound, new seat of authority, new financial source, new finds, new talents, new connections, new mercies, new health!