 Numbers 27: 15 -17 says, “Then Moses spoke to the Lord, saying: “Let the Lord, the God of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over the congregation, who may go out before them and go in before them, who may lead them out and bring them in, that the congregation of the Lord may not be like sheep which have no shepherd.”

There are many titles in the Bible – in both Old and New Testaments – for the Secular and for the Church (including Ministers who are servants of the people), It is the least used and least understood title. A person can be a Pastor, but is he/she a Shepherd? Why would Moses pray the way he did?

The state of a nation is the reflection of the Church and both the Church and the Nation today are like sheep without Shepherd. Part of the Shepherd’s function is to lead the sheep in and out into green pastures, economic empowerment and education. They must protect and guide from predators including terrorists.

God has given an instrument of authority called ‘the rod and staff! It is interesting that of all the predators that could possibly ravage the sheep, STRAY DOGS create the most damage: economic loss, damage to both sheep and shepherd. There is always a dog that assists the shepherd in rounding up the sheep and watching for the wolves, The stray dog has no abiding city.

Nowadays, some of the shepherds have allowed some of these stray dogs to come in and make a meal of the sheep. Sadly, mainstream and social media have become the new shepherds and are confusing the people – so many no longer know the truth!

For any change that is going to take place in the Church or the Secular (Politics, Business, etc) there needs to be an emerging of the true shepherds, as in Ezekiel 34. Only then will we see a reduction in the levels of manipulation, deception, riots, lawlessness, hopelessness, unemployment, mind control and corruption