August 5, 2017

Through Apostle Dr. Steve Lyston and Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson



Apostle Steve Lyston


The Lord says, “Another Step” He is calling the Body of Christ to take another step of Faith, another step of Holiness, another step of readiness because the rapture can be anytime.  Another step of Soul-winning.


John 10 – this is the season of exposure.  The true shepherds versus wolves and hirelings and false sheep.  In the same way that we have false sheep.  True sheep know the true shepherd’s voice.  False sheep follow false shepherds.  If they were true, they would have a desire for the Word.  True sheep stay in God’s presence and study His word and will not be easily deceived.  There is great deception coming.  The true heart will know His voice while the false hear will follow others.  We will see the rise of the Pharisees because they were not true sheep.


Jesus wants His people to know that He is the Good Shepherd and there is only one Door and one Way and it is He is that Door.  Many will come and say there are other ways of salvation, but Jesus is the only Savior.  When we go in He gives us safety and in our going out He gives green pastures.  Jesus is the Good Shepherd who died for the sheep and carrying the cross daily is key to Christianity.  True sheep do not follow false shepherds.  Satan is a thief – and he came to kill steal and destroy.  He presents a false way of life.
HIRELINGS are those who engaged solely in self-preservation.  They pose as shepherds but are not.  The purpose of hirelings is to fleece the sheep – not to protect them.  Hirelings don’t protect the sheep from the wolves, neither do they care for the sheep.  The Lord said false prophets, false apostles or false shepherds have no concern for the sheep.  There main concern is their money, their fame, and maintain their position in the marketplace and other places of influence.  Most of them are afraid to lose their position and their possessions!  (Watch out for those who focus on themselves more than they focus on Christ.)


That is why God is calling His people to a place of intimacy with Him, so that He can speak to His people as there is serious deception ahead.


The Lord says take note of Psalm 33: 10 – 12 which says “The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; He makes the plans of the peoples of no effect. The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart to all generations. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He has chosen as His own inheritance” Note also Proverbs 19: 21 which reminds us, “There are many plans in a man’s heart, nevertheless the Lord’s counsel—that will stand.”


I believe that these words will be the prophetic word for the remainder of the year.  Regardless of the plan individuals, nation leaders, the medical, economic and legal fraternities and those in sports may have – even those planning evil; at the end of the day, only what God’s plan is will come to pass.  Let us do good and ensure that our plans are in line with God’s plans for us.  (A great deal of exposure is coming)


Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson

August 6, 2017


For the Lord said, “A lot of evil will be exposed by the end of this year and into the next year.  This is a warning as God is not pleased.  He has given many warnings and many have not heeded.  As exposure takes place, things will become worse.  Therefore, all Christians need to live holy lives and all unsaved persons need to repent and turn their lives to Him now.  For the Lord says as He exposes the evil and the evil plans, especially in some nations, many will have heart attacks, some will have brain damage. There are some who will lose the will to live.  A decision is going to be made and it will be a World-wide command/decree.  It will shake the entire world and it will not be contested.  This is when we will see the true Christians of the century.  It will spark a worldwide war which will affect every nation.  But true believers whether they live or die, their souls will be saved.  God will give us the grace to stand fast by His word; and when things reach an alarming height, those in authority will propose some kind of drug to silence those who are badly affected.  Places of pleasure and amusement will become as nothing.  Mighty men and women will fall from their haughty lifestyles and this is the beginning of earth’s sorrows especially those who turn their backs on God.  The un-Godly lifestyle and those who promote it will soon drink from the bitter cup which will be poured out on the earth and they will reap what they have sown.


God is calling sinners to repent from evil before it’s too late.  There is a way of escape – those who call upon will be saved.  Jesus died and shed His blood for mankind.  (Psalm 7: 11; Psalm 9: 17)


All unsaved persons, the Lord is pleading with you to give your lives to Him right now.  The Lord is calling back the backsliders; the Lord is about to remove many coverings.