There are some people throughout the globe who have a God-given gift to understand times and seasons.  However, this understanding is not limited or exclusive to such ones.  We all have the capacity to understand times and seasons, and it is critical for us to do so. (1 Chronicles 12: 32)

Since the beginning of the year many have returned to their old habits.  Many are trying to re-capture 3 years past and continue to hope to return to normal.  They want to go back to business as usual without making any adjustments or changes.  This is particularly so in the music and entertainment industry and among politicians, businessmen and even the Church, where so many of them are proclaiming some things upon themselves about being the G.O.A.T. – The Greatest Of All Time.  Some call themselves “undisputed champion”, others say they are the greatest political strategist.  They must all remember that this is a Shemita year – a year of the Lord’s release.   It would also do them well to remember that this is a year of light, truth and the year of the Son Who is Jesus, hence, the unexpected will take place.  It is a time of  repentance and reflection.  Someone will have a billion on Monday and zero on Tuesday.

Climate Change

Climate Change will continue to be of the utmost importance.  We are now having highly unusual weather patterns.  Freezing weather in tropical areas.  We must remember that God created the earth to work in a natural specific order; what if tampering of the climate/weather patterns has taken place?  It is not impossible.  Tampering with the natural order of creation is nothing new, and such action is geared toward causing disorder in the natural flow of things, as in Genesis 1, and this is exactly what he enemy wants to happen.

Hence there has to be a reset and it is necessary.  It will not only be from an economic standpoint but in all areas including the weather. So, after the reset, when the original falls back into place once more, some of those happenings will begin to look highly unusual.  We will see the wind of the Spirit begin to deal with the contrary wind; and remember, the weather always tells us what is going on in the realm of the Spirit.  It is the wind of the Holy Spirit that deals with

The wind and moisture levels always determine how cold the weather feels. 


Wormwood is recorded in the Book of Revelation 8: 10 – 11,which says, “Then the third angel sounded: And a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the water, because it was made bitter.”  Many scholars say it has to do with meteorites falling to hit the earth and contaminate the water.  Others say it may be nuclear weapons or the bitter events that will be taking place.  Interestingly, the Greek word for Wormwood is “apsinthos”  which is a poisonous plant used for various digestive and intestinal issues – including bladder disease, intestinal spasms and other related issues.  There are several other scriptures that mention “wormwood.  See also Deuteronomy 29: 18, Proverbs 5:4, Amos 5: 7, Jeremiah 9: 15, Jeremiah 23: 15; Lamentations 3: 19.  Furthermore, Wormwood cleanses, boosts the immune system, and nourishes the intestines.  It is also very good for energy management.  Wormwood is diverse, so, it is therefore critical for us to watch that word “Wormwood” to see if it refers to negative or positive happenings.


There are many who are utilizing the Church for various personal reasons.  God specifically outlined the purpose of His house.  He said, “My house is a house of prayer.  (Matthew 21: 12, Mark 11: 15; Luke 19: 45 – 48; John 2: 13 – 16)  This eludes to the fact that God is going to start cleansing the Temple.  Utilizing the temple for political meetings, fraternal gatherings, Cambio services, gambling and vaccine centers as well as for selling the gifts, and oils, marketing for personal profit, black market activities,  thus turning the House of the Lord into a marketplace is unacceptable.

The Lord’s Temple should never be allowed to become a trading center and common marketplace, it is to be a House of Prayer .  If the leaders and the people who have settled into making the House of the Lord a mere marketplace don’t repent, God is going to whip them all out.