Covenants are very important, particularly covenants with God.God is revisiting all covenants with both individuals and nations.Covenants and vows are what cause us to prosper and becomegreat. When a covenant is broken, there are consequences –including turmoil and chaos.Understand that a covenant comes with four (4) elements –parties, conditions, security…
Third Quarter June 2020 Apostle Dr. Steve Lyston, Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson, Prophetess SophiaDiMuccioThe East Wind carries with it judgement and brings the destruction of theship, crew, crops and also brings drought, scorching, scattering, wars andriots. It affects the environment negatively through storms, locusts as wellas other plagues and disease.…
STEVE LYSTON| RED FLAGS FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE With the continuous spotlight on Domestic Violence, and the laws being proposed toaddress the situation, recognize that unless we are completely truthful about this issue,we are simply playing politics and going around the proverbial mulberry bush.Many times, blame is levied on the church…
We have seen many things happening throughout nations. Nations areshaking, and many in positions of influence are attempting to fix theproblem without getting to the root of the situation. This creates moredeception and oppression. The number one element creating much of theglobal problems being faced is Mammon. MammonJesus teaches that…